Discussion: VA Gov. Has 'No Intention' Of Helping Sketchy 'Election Integrity' Commission

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Someone else will probably come up with something far more clever to say but…

Terry McAuliffe is a politician that has really grown on me over the years.


Anybody that goes on TV holding a tequila bottle has my vote. And this:

“I have no intention of honoring this request,” McAuliffe said in a release.

More please.



A federal magistrate has fined Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach $1,000 for presenting misleading arguments in a voting-related lawsuit, but won’t permit — for now — the release of a policy memo Kobach prepared for President-elect Donald Trump.

Enough reason to not work with this creep. If anything, he should be banned from receiving anyone’s personal information.


Thank you, Gov. McAuliffe – you’ve done right by this Virginian.


Well spoken! Hits the nail on all the right points!


It will be very telling to see which states are so afraid of “those voters” that they will hand over any information whatsoever to KKKris KKKobach, especially given his long, well-documented history of voter suppression.

This is one of those (many) things that proves there is indeed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” to dismantle democratic processes and, if they have their druthers, democracy itself.

KKKris should go back to successfully prosecuting another three or four Kansas Republicans for voter fraud. With any luck he could up his track record of successful prosecutions to a true handful.


This is what you say to a thug like Kobach. F-off. Put him on his heels and let him know how it will be.
Thanks Guv, you the man.


Kobach is a member of a commission established by Presidential Executive Order. Would love for Kobach to be forced to show his statutory authority for the request.

Guess “states rights” only matter when the states want to restrict civil rights.


You left out the most important part: Doing shots at 6:00 am. I didn’t like him during the '08 campaign, but I thought people were being idiotic purity ponies when they hated him so much during his gubernatorial run. The one thing I’ve always appreciated about Republicans, and it’s something Chris Matthews pointed out recently, Republicans don’t eat their own. They defend their people, they take their asses to polls to vote for them even if they have to hold their noses, and they support them. MacAullife has been damn good governor, infinitely better than that kook Cuccinelli, but you wouldn’t have thought that was possible from the bellyaching and bitching from the purity police.


I held my nose in voting for McAuliffe, but with the exception of supporting the pipeline coming through our state he has done a good job as governor. And this is an example of him at his best–hitting at the GOP with no-nonsense force.


Someone needs to file suit against this commission.


And how will Kobach and his spurious commission keep all that data safe from certain hackers? Can he be held financially liable if any voter info is stolen?


If Kobach wants all this info on voters, why doesn’t he just talk to the paid GOP idiot who left the info on 200,000,000 Americans free of pesky security or passwords on the Amazon cloud? Or he could just ask Roger Stone to get the data from his BFF at Wikileaks.

Kobach has one job and one job only - to purge D’s from state/county voter rolls based on his own personal “suspicious duplicates” methodology. Time to write/call your state government agency which handles this info and tell them NO!


He’s grown on you and me because he’s really grown in stature over the years.


Right on Terry!


Sounds like a great idea. Release sensitive, confidential voter information to a kangaroo commssion headed by a guy who’s just been sanctioned for ethics violations. What could go wrong?


They will

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Yo Kobach, have your boss Mr. Trump ask his Putin pal to send him American voter info, we’re busy with your criminal indictment.

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