Discussion: VA Gov. Has 'No Intention' Of Helping Sketchy 'Election Integrity' Commission

Regarding the real purpose of Kobach’s commission-
Remember the WI redistrict case going before SCOTUS? The two are related. The GOP wants to do what was done to WI to each state after the next census. They’re going to disenfranchise Dem voters. Even if SCOTUS rules against them, they’ll be able to do it by overlaying demographic and social media data onto the voter rolls and use statistics to accomplish the same thing.


In other words, he grew a pair. Good for him, awesome statement! Let’s see all Dem Govs follow suit.

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Hey, Terry, tell Kobach you’ll swap him numbers for the Brownback election secrets he has hidden in some mysterious orifice.

The hypocrisy is historic.

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Anyone want to do some keen electoral-mischief detective work, find a way to answer these questions.

How did Putin’s hackers know HOW and even more pertinently, where to micro-target (Rove invented the term) specific swing districts with some of their actual state-level attacks?

Where does Kobach get all his cross-check information? Why would a Kansas SOS be dabbling in other state databases? And for whom? Trump’s re-election campaign?

If you really want to don an official tinfoil deersalker, go find out, who was Trump’s campaign internet monkey and where is he from?

Was Kobach in the Rust Belt just prior to the election?

What part did Kobach actually play in Trump’s November Surprise?

Kobach’s so deep in Trump’s droppings, he may soon be drawing flies of his own.

Anyone ever notice how Kobach and Sessions both came out for Trump the very same day?

Didn’t mean much then, but now it makes the ganglia twitch pondering how a Senate Cracker and a Kansas Bushwhacker might have planned then to use their “special” powers, including Kobach’s state-sanctioned access to so much information, to help their Orange Bozo get suriptitiously and dubiously eleced.

Looking back, Brownback really WAS the protoTrump, and the last election here in Kansas may have been a rehearsal fror the fiasco we just stumbled and fell through. Strings connecting everything, like tangled webs all overlapping.



I voted for him, I’m happy to say. Also, my Representative Don Beyer has been absolutely awesome. Virginia’s got a lot going for it at the moment.

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That old schizo-antebellum borderline seems to be moving south, too… it would be interesting to see how the blue has advanced on the grey, er, I mean red down there over the past decade.


And toss in some ICE forces enhanced by reduced hiring standards to physically intimidate and block voters. There is a reason Trump is so willing to lower standards for thugs to join ICE.



Another state telling Kobach to eff off! Great! :joy_cat:

That’s the reason for the bitching. They fear competence, because they thrive on strife and incompetence. They are so eager to take up the argument “Well, Dems lost every special election, we need to do things differently” while ignoring that we pick up ~20 points in each district during special elections, that we actually won House and Senate seats in 2018, and flipped NV to a blue state legislature. And the one race that St. Bernie of the FBI Investigation did bother to step into, was the biggest loss (and strangely enough, why is it KS and MT, very white and very republican states, are the only 2 Bernie showed any interest in at all?).

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This is crappy kobrah distortion cobbled with the old fool lying drumpf…Two pigs in a poke…

He could not get it to work in kansas…Cited for lying and found a patsy in drumpf…stfu and go away.

Thank you, Gov. McAuliffe.

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actually, if we fight we CAN’T lose, we got the numbers.

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…who will all go down in history as hypocrites of the lowest order…

We all know, especially in terms of Republican politicians in VA, they know better than what they tell their ignorant voters, but they keep the fear spigots open perpetually to scare the Lower Virginians into alt-real right wing fealty.

Lower Virginia… there’s a new state… certainly an old state of mind.

There is a section in this piece (about 27 minutes into it) where Kobach’s methods are exposed. When he is confronted on his tactics by Greg Palast… Kobach acts (pretty much himself) lying and lost. But the piece also has much of the voter suppression techniques and their execution that contributed to the win or Jared’s father in law.
The intro takes 5 mins, but the entire video is definitely worth it.


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