Discussion: Utah GOP Guv Signs Bill Requiring Anesthesia For Abortions

I wonder if Susan Sarandon is listening as she ponders not voting for HRC if she’s the nominee. I am so disappointed in her even though I do appreciate the social causes she is invested in.


Oh, okay, just saw the other story, and what Susan Sarandon has to do with this story. Jeez, she’s too smart to be saying dumb stuff like that.


First Indiana mandates forced pregnancy. Now Utah mandates forced anesthesia.

And why does it only count during an abortion? Have these legislators seen what a fetus goes through in a routine vaginal birth?

For that matter, the odds of suffering a painful fall while learning to ride a bicycle have to be in the high-90% area. How can we let parents keep buying bicycles and handing them over to kids to use without any anesthesia whatsoever?


Utah Medical Association CEO Michelle McOmber said her organization feels neutral toward the legislation.

That’s a remarkable cop-out, especially given your mission statement:

Mission Statement
Utahns will receive excellent public and individual healthcare services.
UMA physicians will practice in a collegial environment without undue
regulatory and administrative restrictions and will receive appropriate


How certain is he that anesthesia delivered to the mother actually reaches the fetus by the time the procedure is done?

Don’t you just love small govt officials now overruling the medical Professional? Let’s just give the Governor a medical degree, shall we?

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Good news for Louisiana--------- It takes a DemGov to clean up the BJ mess.

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The cynic in me is wondering if the possible “appropriate remuneration” that could result from the increased demand for anesthesiologists might be out weighing the rest of the mission statement.

It’s actually the whole clown-car legislature, too.

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Then why not anesthesia for Fox News watchers?

That is a medical question, and, therefore, unrelated to the purpose of the legislation.


The only response to these fucks that think they know G-d’s will is proceed.

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Then why not anesthesia for Fox News watchers?

Fox News is anesthesia.


Right. Who else has not heard of Roe v. Wade besides this guy? I’d like to be the fly on the wall when the lawyers explain to him how keeping slaves became unlawful and why he can stop losing sleep over his fear that Obama will seek a third term.

There are quite a few Republican lawmakers who should be rendered unconscious and kept so by anesthesia. That would be the humane thing to do.

My nurse-practioner sister tells me that sedation is the most likely cause of death in a patient. And that almost all abortion procedures do not require it. I trust her opinion.


How about some of these big, powerful companies that just got the Georgia Gov. to veto an anti LGBT bill also boycott states that make abortion all but illegal? Texas and Utah come to mind off the top of my head.


Civil liberties from the moment of conception to the moment of birth… then they’re just sinning meat bags.

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Too bad his mother chose not to abort this creep!