Discussion: Utah GOP Guv Signs Bill Requiring Anesthesia For Abortions

I guess I’m not grasping how Utah Republicans ascertained the link between fetal pain and their judgment of the mother’s intentions. Does the fetus feel 10/10 if mom just felt like terminating, but only a 2/10 if her life is in danger?

The whole thing makes no sense at all, as if the whole thing we’re just made-up nonsense.


Where did these folks go to medical school again? I missed that part.


Once again, the government coming between a patient and her doctor.

Thanks, Obama.

Oh wait, a Republican Governor signed this much needed piece of legislation?



Old re-pukes say about global warming…I’m no scientist.

Old re-pukes say about women’s choices…I’m no ob/gyn, but I play one in the state capitol.


I thought that needed repeating!


Oh, now Utah state government is practicing medicine–without ever seeing the patient. Did they write this law in an outpatient surgery center??? Or are they practicing medicine from an unsanitary legislative chamber, without admitting privileges to a hospital??? I smell another case of RWE hypocrisy,


Oh what, now he’s a doctor too?

Besides being unnecessary, this will just add to the cost since the patient will have to pay for anesthesia, which is never cheap.


TRAP Laws have risen to a new level. Here’s another example of Republicans showing they so much more than a doctor that they have a need to step in and make sure women and fetuses are protected. All that stuff about government getting in between a woman and her doctor only applies to FEDERAL government, because Washington is too far away to see and hear what’s really going on.


Most probably didn’t, but they did consult one and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so they covered.


Certain religious women believe women should be subjugated by men. Daddy knows best! That’s why they vote GOP.


Remember Dr. Tiller who did many late term abortions? I recall in articles about his practice that he injected an anesthetic directly to the fetus that “put it to sleep” the afternoon before the abortion procedure. In other words, the fetus never felt any pain even if it was capable of doing so. I suspect this is common practice for late term procedures unless there simply isn’t time. Is Utah so backwards they never considered this solution?


This is common practice. My very good friend found out her son was missing half his brain at the five month ultrasound. That’s exactly how they did it in the hospital. These assholes would have possibly required her to carry that fetus to term while getting checked every couple of days to make sure it didn’t die on its own and cause infection in her system that could kill her. That’s what later term abortion looks like in this country, not random people exercising birth control. It really spins me up.

It’s not that they don’t consider it, it’s that they haven’t actually asked any relevant doctors to weigh in while the legislators practice medicine. @Fess, you are assuming they are looking for ‘solutions’. They aren’t. They are trying to outlaw abortion by a death of a thousand cuts.

EDIT: THIS is why people like Susan Sarandon are spoiled children who really are quite worthless.


Birth them babies!! We can starve the little bastards after they’re born—physically, intellectually, mentally, educationally! JAJWD–JustAsJesusWouldDo.


I’m confused – what does Susan Sarandon have to do with this?


How in the hell do people allow religious bigots to make idiotic medical decisions for them? Aren’t there any actual physicians objecting to this dangerous requirement to force anesthesia on women who don’t need it, and who in fact might be endangered by it?

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Now the citizens of Utah, myself included, are going to have to foot the bill to defend this stupid law in court. I wish that there was a requirement that Utah’s legislators can sponsor and pass as many message bill as they want, but that they would have to personally pay to defend them in court. It’d nip this nonsense in the bud.


yes. It is all about punishing women.

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Miss Kitty will indulge you on Tuesday or Thursday in such fantasies. However, her Wednesday Bubble Wrap Nite is better.


Dear women:

Just to let you know, we don’t give a shit about you and your safety or health. We only care about what we imagine the experience of a fetus might be in a magic fairy world and want to protect that fantasy at the cost of your life. That’s how much we care about life and how little we care about your humanity.

Love and peace,

Your masters in the GOP