Discussion: Utah GOP Guv Signs Bill Requiring Anesthesia For Abortions

oh good… add another complication for a problem that isn’t a problem that will eventually cause a problem…

from Wikipedia but I’m sure there are other sources that will support this…

"The incidence of life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions occurring during surgery and anaesthesia is around one in 10,000 procedures. Serious allergic reactions to anesthetic medications are rare and a usually attributable to factors other than the anesthetic. Neuromuscular blocking agents, natural rubber latex, and antibiotics are the most common causes of serious allergic reactions during surgery.[1] The mortality rate from these reactions is about 3–6%.

Successful immediate treatment requires prompt recognition by the attending anaesthetist, or in the US, the attending anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist. Adrenaline (epinephrine) remains the mainstay of treatment, with corticosteroids and antihistamines providing limited benefit in the acute situation.

Subsequent investigation aims to determine the responsible agent to allow its future avoidance. Skin testing is often useful to identify potentially cross-reactive compounds and appropriate therapeutic alternatives. This is done weeks after the initial reaction to allow the immune system to reset itself. However, skin testing can be misleading in giving false positive and false negative results."

and when the inevitable happens it’ll be served up as ‘proof’ that abortion procedure have become unsafe…


So its threatening the lives of the mothers, that’s not the concern of the forced pregnancy crowd. I don’t even think they’re concerned with the life of the unborn child, they’re for sure not concerned once the child is born. Its really all about punishing women, isn’t it.


That’s the point. They are laying the ground work to introduce a Texas style bill requiring stricter standards and facilities to places providing abortion services in order to drive them out of business.

And in freaking Utah. This is a place where if you don’t have 5 kids by the time you are 20 everyone thinks you are gay.


Bramble initially sought to ban abortions after 20 weeks entirely, but he changed course after the Legislature’s attorneys warned him that any such measure would likely be unconstitutional.

Lots of things make me mad about this but this especially. How stupid do you have to be to waste everyone’s time on something that has been shown again and again? I get that some people don’t like it and wish it was different but to not even realize it before submitting your bill to the attorneys shows a general cluelessness that should disqualify you from having anything to do with creating or interpreting law. This is true even if he just said that as an act.

I wish we could create an isolated refuge for idiots like this where they can live without the women and government they obviously loathe so mature America can move on. Strangely, though, I have a sense that’s unconstitutional without having to get attorneys involved.


“I respect life sooooo’ much that I would kill someone to protect a fertilized egg!”

Republican logic 101:
Birth control?____BAN IT!
Abortion?_______BAN IT!
Gay marriage?___BAN IT
Guns?_________Look! Banning things is stupid and never works. People will always find a way to get them.


Why does “feeling pain” count for anything? Seriously, is the high mark of human consciousness pain? Pain is experienced by some decidedly simple organisms, and outside the membership of PETA, it’s hard to find many who deeply care about it. If I had a choice of being killed after a moment of pain, or without, why would I care? I’ll be just as dead in the end. If, after death, I’m a soul who remembers that pain, and that memory counts as some damage to me, what of all the dead women’s souls which have the scars of the pain of childbirth? Preventing childbirth spares souls great oceans of pain. Anyone who wants to lessen the total amount of pain in this world, or perhaps remembered in the after world, should be for abortion.

Only a moral monster would cite pain as a reason to be against abortion.


This law essentially requires that doctors commit malpractice by subjecting their patients to an unnecessary procedure. Of course, that’s the point – add risk to women.



There is another reason for this besides the normal Bible-Thumper-Stupidity. By REQUIRING Anesthesia for a surgical procedure, they then REQUIRE that a licensed anesthesiologist be present (and paid for it.) This puts another $$$ burden on the clinic performing the procedure. Good luck getting any anesthesiologist to do this work in Utah, the land of the Mormon and the home of the morons.
Religion fucks up everything it touches, especially Government (that is why our Founding Fathers specifically disallowed Religious Tests or Favoritism in the Constitution. Of course that doesn’t mean shit to the Bible-Thumpers.


What’s really amusing about this is that state statistics from 2014, the year they’re most recently available, suggest that if this new law had been in effect then, the total number of abortions in the state affected by this law would have been zero.

As usual, the Utah Righteouslature is willing to devote a lot of time and money to fixing “problems” that don’t actually exist.


Yet approximately 40% of women in America reliably vote for Republicans. If it’s not a problem for them, it’s not a problem for me. Perhaps all these laws will one day get their attention?

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The most expert practitioners of misogyny are women.


Oh goody,
More work for lawyers who will have to get an unconstitutional piece of crap law struck down. I’m sure the people of Utah are so happy to see another pile of money flushed down the toilet.


These people really do want to kill women who want to terminate their pregnancies.

What this will lead to is fewer late-term abortions (because either women won’t be able to afford them or doctors will not want to take the liability of performing a procedure they know does not meet normal standards of care). I’m sure the state will expand funding for perinatal care.

Plenty of Republican Women are anti-choice, and if you ever talk to any of them as I have, you get the distinct impression they’re Stepford Wives or just plain angry and mean women.

Years ago, I was at a restaurant and the table next to us was a somewhat loud group of older folks, 70ish, 4-5 couples. My ears perked up as I thought it odd these folks were discussing abortion. One woman, and I will never, ever forget this, said: “Abortion should be illegal because think of all the future tax payers they’re killing!”

It took everything I had at that moment not to lose it.
I am still haunted to this day by the insanity of that statement.


He also fervently believes that anesthesia is required for governing too.


Here’s something equally insane:

Utah largely funds schools via state income taxes. However, people with dependent children receive tax deductions for them, meaning that the people who use the schools actually pay much less in school taxes than the childless.

When you point out that there’s something fundamentally wrong with someone who has 10 children not paying any school taxes, one of the responses you often get is, “Well, that’s OK, because my 10 children will grow up, work, and they will pay income taxes.”

No, they’ll likely grow up and have 10 children each, receiving tax breaks for all of them and thus making the funding problem far, far worse.


Sounds like this is setting the stage for an " admitting privilege " law —


Drug pusher!