Discussion: US Supreme Court Denies Alabama's Request To Stop Gay Marriages

Discussion for article #233026

Even if the Court had been open to the idea of staying the order, Moore’s stunt last night surely put the kibosh on it. No way the SCOTUS could be seen as kowtowing to him.


Yes, this likely shows the hand of the majority on the larger question of nationwide legality of SSM. Did the opponents in Alabama really expect any other response? – Seriously? If so, I’d go so far as to say those folks really aren’t bright when it comes to the American system of governance. Alabama, the ball is squarely in your court – with nowhere else to kick it. Will you save face and just accept the times, they are a-changing?


They also implied that the court’s other justices were tipping their hand in how they would rule when the same-sex marriage question comes before them again in the coming months.

Now that put a huge smile on my face on this dreary Monday morning.


I guess you should expect this kind of thing if you appoint as a Chief Justice, a religious fanatic that will use the position to impose his religion on all those in the State. Have fun Alabama. You knew what this guy was about…and if you think it stops here…just with Gays…your nuts. This fanatic will not rest until he has imposed his will on you.


Exactly. It is us gays today, but who’s next? Well, that depends on this man’s interpretation(s) of his holy book. Good luck with that, people.

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Well, humans had a nice run while it lasted. Too bad civilization as we know it will shortly cease. Fire, brimstone, plagues of locusts to follow. I just received a notice from the state I have to marry a box turtle in 30 days or they’ll tear down my carport. Or was that from the zoning board? Hmmm, I’m confused. Where do you meet a box turtle anyway?


e-Harmony has questions specifically for box turtles. You’ll be able to find the box turtle of your dreams via E-Harmony.

True fact.

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[quote=“RichardinJax, post:5, topic:16535, full:true”]
I guess you should expect this kind of thing if you appoint as a Chief Justice, a religious fanatic that will use the position to impose his religion on all those in the State. Have fun Alabama. You knew what this guy was about…and if you think it stops here…just with Gays…your nuts. This fanatic will not rest until he has imposed his will on you.
[/quote]You say this like it isn’t exactly what the people who elected this nut wanted…

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But only Christian box turtles.

Also: Clarence Thomas took the lead on this dissent? He put his own ruling/opinion above Tony the Mouth? Clearly, the world is truly ending.


Yep. Mr. Ten Commandments isn’t exactly a strategic thinker.

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Certainly hope that the reception of this shocking federal opposition to Alabama’s Chief Justice Roy S. Moore doesn’t push his blood pressure so high that it precipitates a permanently debilitating cerebral accident. Certainly this heavy handed SCOTUS decision leveled directly at his Christianist stance on modern morality must have him so pissed off that he doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind.

What a shame if it ultimately, one way or the other, puts an end to this SOB’s sorry assed public career.

It’s really incredible the huge lengths some people will go to in their efforts to prevent people they don’t like from being treated like people. Everything from clinging to weak rationalizations based on translated and edited versions of ancient manuscripts to years-long legal battles.

And then, of course, there are the people who will gladly go along with those efforts, just for political or financial gain.


What the hell was his legal argument? What’s the courthouse latin for, “Because my God said so”?

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No, no, you’re thinking of Terrapin Mingle. Tried that. Biggest concentration of loser turtles I’ve ever seen. Ughhh…


Roberts, Kennedy and Alito onboard. Now there’s a thing.


Weddings have begun. Scene outside the Montgomery courthouse:


In the Senate Majority Leader’s office.


People of ‘Bama knew exactly who they were re-electing to this position. Ol’ Roy of the GIANT SCULPTURE OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS MUST BE DISPLAYED Fame is well-known.


“… if you appoint as a Chief Justice…” In Alabama, the Chief Justice is elected.