Discussion: US Supreme Court Denies Alabama's Request To Stop Gay Marriages

From Thomas and Scalia’s mouths to God’s ears! I’d love a 7-2 ruling with those two retrograde 19th-century wanna-bes forever recording their opposition in the history books.

There’s some interesting stuff at al.com. Lots of probate judges are refusing to issue ANY licenses. Others seem to recognize that it’s pointless to argue with a federal judge.

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Take out old news story. Replace name “George Wallace” with “Roy Moore” and “school house door” with “clerk’s office” and run with the story!

His argument was “I’m the Fr*king Chief Justice.” Same argument he used in 1861.

I’m sure Scalia told him what to write. And where was Alito, off sick? It’s hard to imagine Alito splitting up with Scalia. It would be like John McCain and Lindsey Graham unfriending each other. End times indeed.

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That looks like Jefferson County (Birmingham).

I’m just wondering if Scalia’s fiery dissent in the upcoming SCOTUS same sex marriage case will be something that can be used to troll him for years, the way his Windsor dissent was.

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[quote=“sdcga161, post:21, topic:16535”] There’s some interesting stuff at al.com. Lots of probate judges are refusing to issue ANY licenses. [/quote] Time for them to resign. Judges don’t get to choose which laws that enforce and which ones they don’t.

If they want to object for “religious reasons”, then they need to resign immediately and stand outside the courthouses and peacefully protest.

As my daddy used to say “If you don’t be likin’ prostitution, then don’t be working at the whorehouse.”

Suck it, Roy Moore.


It is time to disbar Roy Moore. He is asking the public and judges to disregard the law and ignore judgements from a court.

Roy Moore is just the tip of the iceberg though. The judiciary is completely broken; it has been infiltrated by corporate hacks and radical religulous ideologues. There was judge in Pennsylvania who was taking money from prison corporations and sentence children to prison. Another in New York was involved in huge corruption and kickback scheme involving high ranking politicians.

I think Alito’s (relative) youth gives him a better sense of ‘there is no good to come from pissing into this wind’.

I doubt it. And philosophically, Alito is closer to Scalia than Thomas is. Thomas pretty much lives in his own insane little world.

Philosophically I don’t doubt Alito hates the idea. But I also don’t doubt that he’s got the brains to know how it’s going to play out, and he’s still got a relatively long career ahead of him - why put something down on paper that could come back to bite him in the ass on later cases?

Good point. He just may not be as comfortable openly contradicting himself, like Scalia does so often.

This one is especially satisfying. Not only is it simply the only moral move, but Alabama is by birth state AND it makes Roy Moore upset. The rare gay-rights hat trick. I feel like watching Project Runway and drinking something with an umbrella in it.