And the Deplorables love Donnie because he’s smart and trustworthy…
Putting Donald Trump in charge of tax reform would be like putting OJ in charge of fixing criminal justice.
Yeah, but that was “for entertainment”, right?
Excellent reporting! Here’s hoping the Clinton team has seen this!
So just who was living in the one-bedroom while Trump was getting the tax credit for it? Yet another spare?
You know, I think the Times has a copy of his federal taxes but won’t publish them. Instead I think they are verifying all the info, then they will publish from those sources. I mean, why would someone have and send three state returns and not federal?
There’s really no mystery—Trump grabbed New York City’s Department of Finance and New York State’s Department of Taxation and Finance by the p*ssy and got the credit.
“The fact that the apartment is owned by a corporation is a matter of
public record, and the City of New York was on notice that this
apartment was not eligible and should not have been given an exemption,”
Hicks wrote.
So she’s claiming that the city give Tax Fraud Trump a tax deduction that he did not ask for.
I think her campaign probably has someone working full time just to track Trump stories. I hope she’s planning to use some time during the debate to list many of the things Deadbeat Donald did not contribute to in 20 years of tax avoidance and/or fraud, with hurricane relief being at or near the top of the list.
And that because the city doesn’t catch every false statement on a submitted application (via high-tech sleuthing of all public records, verifying info on forms the applicant attests to be truthful under penalty of law) that somehow it is “the city’s fault” when Trump gets busted.
Nothing worse than a cheapskate demagogue wannabe.
No one is getting at the real story. What did he use the condo for? Answer is obvious.
And since “the city was on notice” did the corporation send the money back???
“Trump – a mogul known as much for bragging about his wealth as he is for his actual fortune – could be pulling in a mere half a million dollars a year or less.”
Turns out Trump has less coin than that Jimmy McMillan guy on the Rent-Is-Too-Damn-High Party ticket…
Why would a man with such a YUUUUUUUUGE income give a crap about applying for a $300 credit?
Because he could get away with claiming it, could deny the money to the public schools (it was a school tax credit, right?), and brag about it at his catered meals with his mogul buddies, would be my guess.
Nice work, Lauren Fox!
It was wasn’t it? Possibly one of the more complex disseminations of any Trump scam seen this entire election season.
When Donald Trump declares a taxable-income loss that he converts to a tax break (which means the rest of us cover it for him), I assure you he does not “suffer” it.
The only loss he will suffer is the one that we declare for him on November 8.