Discussion: Unraveling The Mystery Of How Trump Landed Himself A Middle Class Tax Break

…things that go “trump” in deny it.


Great piece!
Bottom line, Trump is a COMPLETE FRAUD.
Believe me.


Grabbing p*ssy


Mike In Houston — I was gonna say that but you beat me to it!!!

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Many people are saying that the one bedroom apartment on Park Aveenue is where Trump goes when he is going on a cocaine binge. I don’t know, it could be where he goes to meet up with married woman to carry on his sexual escapades when he dosen’t want his wife to know about them. I don’t know but many people are saying that sex and cocaine use at the Park Avenue location take place only when the Short Fingered Vulgarian is present at that location. I am just saying.


It’s where he took McConnell for a little frisky business.


Here’s my question: what exactly did he use that condo for? 'Sounds like a place for a little hanky panky or the place where a girlfriend might be housed.

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I’m truly going to be astounded if HOTOG doesn’t wind up with at least one criminal charge coming out of this whole business.

And the hell of it is, he had to know stuff was going to come to light, right?


I’d love to see Hillary troll Trump and ask him if he likes living in a 1 bedroom 1.5 bath as his primary residence.

His other wife!

The facts of this article are indeed more important as they counter all Trump's bluster about his knowledge about tax laws and his false claim about wealth.    He can't be making millions while simultaneously taking tax breaks for those making <$500K and that ignores the residency lies.    

Clearly he is both a misogynist and a tax cheat / liar.

Used as a giant clothes closet ? (who was it that did that?) A quickie rendezvous spot? (hard to believe no one ever saw him) An off the books benefit for someone in the corporation? The campaign should be able to explain it as Trump Corp has been depreciating it for certain.

He very well may have loaned it out for a favor to folks who needed a place for a little nookie. Proably has photos of everyone who used it and is blackmailing them.