Discussion: Uncertainty Over Trump's Trade Plans Creates Rift Between Mnuchin And Navarro


It must be hard to work for President Fuckwit, what with his lashing out over both his impotence and constipation. The dread of knowing the day will come when the shit will splatter all over you must be horrible.

These fuckers deserve every minute of it. We don’t.


" it’s anyone’s guess what President Donald Trump will eventually decide to do on trade"
The markets just love them some uncertainty don’t they?
Strap in 401K holders recession take 2 could be around the corner .The Mango Moron is determined to undo everything Obama , including the prosperity


“(Trump’s) fed up with feeling like the negotiating partners aren’t ever going to give in to his demands,” a former administration official told Politico.

Nothing to say to this. When your opening gambit is to damage the relationship, it leaves you no place to go. All your opposite numbers can do is snap their briefcases closed, suggest you get in touch if you change your mind, and walk out.


It’s not “uncertainty”–it’s greedy corrupt cowards trying to figure out how to get in front of whichever way the Great Orange Psycho decides to irrationally lash out.


Well, I am sure that Paul Ryan and the repug Congress will do something about it, as evidenced by Ryan’s strong statements about the tariffs on the EU, Canada, Mexico, etc.

OT, but I have seen healthier looking corpses than Wilbur Ross in that picture. Watching out for all that money hidden in foreign banks must be hard work.


Doesn’t everyone get it it yet? There is no Trump Administration. There is God Emperor Trump who, like Caligula, presides over orgies and acts arbitrarily, and a bunch of lackeys who pretty much only do his bidding.

Soon, like Caligula, Trump will name a Horse to a high level government job, and his lackeys will applaud the move as “innovative” and “ fresh”. Fox “News” will announce this is pure genius, and Breitbart will proudly proclaim the Horse is a native born American breed, and snarkily claim “this shows why elections matter. Obama would have appointed a human.”


It’s not just that he’s an assh*le and a bully. It’s that he apparently has no clue that other nations are sovereign and really have no interest in giving in to his demands. It’s like saying someone is fed up that the sky is blue, only not as a joke.


Maybe a horse wouldn’t be so bad. Then we’d have a real stable genius in the White House.


Both you and mattinpa are 150% on the money!

One of the reasons Rump is NOT a businessman is because he has no ability whatsoever to negotiate anything. He can only demand everything be done his way. If the other side doesn’t agree, he simply destroys whatever he can and forgets about it.


Cough cough. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Cough cough.

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You can sure say that again. In fact Politico’s cover story today is about how he’s simply not good at making deals. Even “The Art of the Deal” was a lousy deal. Only his first couple of Manhattan projects were at all describable as good deals. After that, it was all downhill for reasons we’ve all come to know.


OK now…the Art of the Deal is to do what Donnie says or face the lash of the Twitter? VERY Presidential, let alone businesslike…

“(Trump’s) fed up with feeling like the negotiating partners aren’t ever going to give in to his demands,”

Pretty much explains why a business degree from Trump University was not the gateway to a lucrative career.


There is no “policy” in this bAdministration. It’s all “feelings” and “some people say” and tweets. I am not a religious believer, but I pray every day that Director Mueller will deliver us from this national nightmare.


The twits who voted for him do.

As do the fuckwits who didn’t vote, or went third party. Because Hillary was just as bad, don’cha know.

Hell, a horse would be an improvement over all the jackasses that are there now.


The investor class has been willing to turn a blind eye toward Trump’s corruption, because they’re getting tax cuts and the green light to pollute. This trade stuff is going to wake up some big-money interests.

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and a little morning insider trading to get the market back up…

Trump’s tweet is at odds with federal regulations, which says that “employees of the Executive Branch shall not comment publicly on the data until at least one hour after the official release time.”

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You forgot the whining about it after they do.