Discussion: Uncertainty Over Trump's Trade Plans Creates Rift Between Mnuchin And Navarro

Rift, is that what we’re calling the fetid corpse of corruption, previously known as Sec. Commerce, standing between Mnuchin and Navarro?

DOC under Wilbur Ross, of course, is the Dept. of Corruption because … Trump.

trump is and has convinced himself that he “can win a trade war”…remember the tweets? And is using the same techniques he used before resulting in filing for bankruptcy 6 times. Regardless of he being warned by everyone from leaders of nations, trade experts and the like trumps is being consulted by the likes of wall street billionaires and fox news pundits who refuse to tell him he’s wrong, so in the meantime, before the shit hits the fan and trump finds someone to blame for his bad decisions were just going to have to sit back and watch it end badly…b/c he doesnt fucking listen…


That comment caught my attention as well, along with the second part of the statement that noted Trump’s impatience with the process of everyone not immediately folding to his demands.

Trump’s idea of an international negotiation sounds like a mugger who is high on meth — real “Art of the Deal” lessons to be learned here.

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thats an insult to muggers high on meth…sic

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The concept of sovereign entities is one his narcissism doesn’t let him accept. The world revolves around his demands, and bends to his mighty will! When this inevitably doesn’t happen, it’s always someone else’s fault, and that’s when the narcissistic rage pops up. Stories about Trump having a screaming fit directed at senior official such-and-such always follow shortly.


Rules are for chumps
Therein lies the problem.
Ignorant Republican congress sitting on their hands …
It goes without saying …
If any other President…
Especially the Black Black Blackity Black Black ones…