Discussion: Ukrainian Oligarch Claims He Was Victim Of $200k Trump Inaugural Ticket Scam

… and his hair was perfect


Well, now we know why the inauguration crowd was so lacking.


A boorish oaf named Pavel Fuks
Was bereft and down on his luck
He got roundly tricked
By Yuri Vanetik
And I for one, don’t give a damn.


maybe there can be another meeting with don jr about adopting them

Why is Trump still potus?

that’s why they should have those flower-shaped decals in the tub to prevent such things

That suks.

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Because there’s a fotus atonus.



Fuks found himself abandoned. A car never came, leaving Fuks and his associates walking in the rain to try to see the inauguration.

Perfect film noir ending right there.


It’s true. These jokes write themselves. And if it didn’t mean that we were in such deep shit, they would be funny.

Stop it man!

You are killing me!!!


The Media is missing all sorts of opportunities here!!! Dammit!!!

During this very past Presidential Election, FOX and Breitbart and Giuliani and Trump all bayed and howled and screamed about Clinton Foundaiton “Pay to Play”!!!

How quaint and old fashioned would have been Clinton Foundation Pay to Play compared to the actual shit they were dreaming up even as they mouthed the words “Pay to Play.”

“Master of Selfies.” Future generation historians, taking home some work reading, will erupt in laughter on the NYC Subway or Metro North train.


The thing we all must remember is that everything these people say is projection.



We need to put it in a song. Perhaps a certain song from Fiddler on the Roof.

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There’s a a great tongue-twister in here somewhere – maybe

Fucker Foreigner Fuks got Fucked for Favoring and Flogging Don the Fucking Freak.

I’ve been reading TPM forum comments going on 10 years and as much as Ira’s Dad wins the grand prize I have to say this is the absolute funniest. My sides are hurting!

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What makes you think I was joking?

I was just relating basically what happened to the russian ex-pat in London who committed suicide by shutting himself into a suitcase…

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