Discussion: U.S. Patent Office Cancels Redskin Trademarks For Being 'Disparaging To Native

Discussion for article #224061

Heh, Iraq is sinking into despair as a result of a nonexistent Obama foreign policy, and all the administration can do is screech about climate change and attack a long-standing organization in the sports world whose mascot has no direct negative connotation to any particular group whatsoever. Whatever, you Liar-in-Chief.

Presenting, the next GOP freakout! Gubmint intrusion! Obama’s brownshirts! You’re either with the trademarks or you’re with Al Qaeda!


They didn’t cancel the trademark. They cancelled the registration. Trademarks are state law property rights. Federal registration just gives you a bigger bag of clubs to beat people with when they infringe your state law right.

But damn, this is nonetheless huge. I’m not an accountant, but I think they’re going to have to take a big write down on the value of the company’s licensing business and goodwill.


Snark, right?

Big time.

Sorry, it’s so hard to tell sometimes; though our current crop of trolls are a far cut below what we used to have.



Will Dan the Fan change the name to the Washington Benghazis?

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Conservatives are melting down over this, the end of freedom because the U.S. Patent Office won’t let us use racist names for sports teams.


I suppose these socialist bleeding hearts are going to put the kibosh on the Phoenix Wetbacks, the S.F. Gooks, and the N.Y. Kikes. We need to rally the troops to defend the Constitution!!!


It’s like the Feds getting Capone for tax evasion. It’s not glamorous but it sticks.

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1/10. Mediocre effort bordering on incoherency.

So what are the actual implications here? Will this finally force Dan Snyder to do the right thing?

Thanks to the tea party and the GOP primary electorate, there is precious little room for lovers of snarking to slip between troll territory and outright gobbledygook.

I think the play with the redskins trademark would be to blame Obama (personally) for favoring the sensitivities of dark-skinned immigrants over the property rights of real Americans.

An actual illustration of Poe’s Law in effect.

Common sense and a long time coming. Most K-12 school districts addressed this unenlightened approach to athletics, years ago.

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The ruling by the Patent Office makes this lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan very happy.

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LOL. Hugh, is that you?

While entirely justified, it’s just too bad that getting rid of the racist sports names won’t do a single damn thing to tangibly improve the reality of day-to-day lives of Native Americans.

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