Bam! Good news for the rest of us.
I believe the current term of art is “traditional” Americans. You know, cuz “traditional” is so much less divisive than “real.”
Hah! Iraq is in trouble because the previous President ignored every other intelligence service’s warning that there WERE no WMDs, and the planet is heating up and losing ice in the arctic which will end up costing all of us billions of dollars in insurance claims over time, and CommieMommie still can’t pull her head out of her ass.
Translation: I want another 5,000 dead US soldiers!
Snark, right?
CommieMommie ( replying to imkmu3 )
Big time.
“They’re being quite niggardly!” fumed Texas governor Rick Perry.
That’s pretty good! LOL
Yeah. Exactly. Thanks, Dubya, for giving this imbecile something to complain about by doing what Dick Cheney advised against when your daddy was President.
Whatever, you mascot for ignorance.
I pondered the choice, but decided that I had to tune my dog whistle for the TPM audience. Real Americans know what “traditional Americans” means, but TPMers have been indoctinated by liberal professors, liberal media, and summers spent at PC camp.
As long as the logo and name stand, let the mass production of counterfeit items proceed with all due haste, denying the NFL and the team their revenue. Nothing gets the attention of a belligerent bigoted big shot faster than hitting them in the pocketbook.
It occurs to me: now that the word is out that the Rick Perry klan doesn’t have exclusivity on the name “N!ggerhead Ranch,” look for people like Cliven Bundy to be opening one in their own neighborhood. It has the potential to be a right wing franchise, in partnership with Hobby Lobby stores, Chik-Fil-A restaurants, and mega-churches.
tough crowd
What a chump troll.
Can’t even insult with any credulity.
Calling AdminiTroll™ now. "You need to send over someone competent-- stat!"
$billions is a normal hurricane. feet of sea level rise will dwarf that.
So, does this mean tangentially-- that music aficionados could lobby the U.S. Patent Office to force Utah to change the basketball team’s name?
Cuz it’s pretty insulting to me to have the locale name of Utah conjoined with Jazz.
Certainly non sequitur at best.
Unlike your team on the field, lo, these past 20 years? ~snicker~
Fan of any team playing the Clownboys.
Cool, so now I can start legally bootlegging Redskins t-shirts?
Much ado about N O T H I N G ! Most native Americans still refer to themselves as I N D I A N S , which should be just as insulting as ‘redskins’ when you think about it: they were labeled this by the outsiders that didn’t even know where they were at the time! Christopher Columbus and his ilk brought defamation and disease with him, and all the while relabeled the proud and noble as ‘savages’ and ‘barbarians’. As T.E. Lawrence so eloquently intoned to the feuding Arabs that were cutting each others’ throats 100 years ago, we are also a “Silly Little People” to be caught-up over such sad arguments. The indigenous families of North America could learn a thing or two from my mother who taught me, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!” Get a grip, America!
If the Washington Redskins must change their name, PLEASE let it be to the Washington NADs (think up your own acronym here - I have my ideas): then, everyone could stand up and shout " GO NADS!"