WTH does this even mean? Are we ( as in just the US) auditing the UN and their budgets? Deciding who gets what? Who pays for what?
‘Oh see my brother’s clumsy colonel, and when he gets unhappy he breaks things. Like say, he don’t feel the army’s playing fair by him, he may start breaking things, colonel.’
@daveminnj An under-appreciated MP skit. I love the way they negotiate their protection fee down to a pittance at the end - and the Cockney accents.
Nice…who will ‘be with us’ when the whole world falls apart the NEXT time?
Whittling away the function and purpose of the United Nations, exactly as Vlad directed her to do. Well done, Comrade Haley.
As some other sites have pointed out, this is most likely retribution for the UN voting to condemn Trump’s decision recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Timing is just too convenient.
That is exactly the situation that Vlad is trying to create.
The U.N. has been a thorn in the side of Russia for decades.
I see we finally have a U.S. President who is willing to do something about it, and take the heat off Russia.
China will provide more funding and have more say in the future.
The petty childishness and the selfish revenge fantasies of the Trumpists cannot be over-estimated.
So is the $285 million going back to the US treasury OR is it head straight to the top 1% riches Americans. Yet another U.S. piggy bank to rob.
Once again Fat Donny responds like I suspect his father did to him.
“Do as I say or I will cut your allowance!”
It’s the only play a selfish bully has in their playbook and it seems to have worked for him this long, so why not.
You want to know why he is so fucked up, just look into his bigoted overbearing father and silent mother who had to deal with a young boy with mental problems.
Fat Donny’s problem now is no one cares how he got here. They just care about the crimes he has committed to get here.
And, it appears, so does he.
If there is a day of reckoning, it is coming.
Good, generally the UN is more interested in its own agenda than ours. That’s fine and expected, but why should we pay for the waste of an agenda we don’t support. Hopefully, we can cut even more support, unless the UN agrees to duplicate our goals with their’s.
Oh, don’t even start.
Our agenda should be finding multiple pathways to make this world better for all. It’s what make us humans and not assholes. Caring about the balance of peace and well being for all allows us to build a better, safer world and we all sleep better at night because we have a forum and not a battlefield to resolve differences.
I won’t go on and no one else should, either.
Do us all a favor and go back to the InfoWars website and spend your time over there.
See ya
For those of us who do not know what the UN’s budget is/was, citing this $285 million dollar cut, without mentioning the cut from what number, is beyond useless. Was it a $285M cut in a budget of $286M or $285B?!? They wanted this headline to sound Great and Beautiful and Bigly, and as some proof of the Greatness of Trump® and, without the context of the total budget number, they got it. But $285M isn’t what it used to be.
The U.S. Mission to the United Nations said on Sunday that the U.N.’s 2018-2019 budget would be slashed by over $285 million.
China to UN: Pffft. Don’t worry about it. We can cover that from petty cash, just talk to the receptionist on your way out and she’ll cut you a check…oh and she’ll validate your parking too. Now, about our islands in the South China Sea…
I’m old enough to remember the kooky John Bircher slogan on bumper stickers “US out of the UN” plus the neo con attacks on the institution from Reagan on. The Dotard administration managed to fuse the two.
Not by a long shot.
Agreed. World peace and order should be the last thing on America’s agenda.