Discussion for article #227430
Wait, was he a good cop with a gun or a bad cop with a gun?
If there had only been a few other 2 year olds with guns, maybe they could have prevented this.
Wendy’s. Now offering bullet fragments on their burgers. FREE!
“Iron - It helps a body grow!”
This is one of the things that worries me when these guys walk around with their rifles slung on their back or with a gun carelessly stored in their pocket when inside buildings, businesses, and public spaces. They get distracted for a moment, a child reaches up to touch the gun, and boom. Honestly, I can’t understand why so many businesses are indifferent when it comes to allowing guns in their stores. It seems like they are opening themselves to lawsuits and PR nightmares. Also, that guy was a Cop for goodness sake. He should know better. One hopes he is reprimanded for his negligence.
This wouldn’t have happened if there had been a good guy with a
gun there to stop it. Oh, wait, geez, now I wonder what excuse the
NRA will use to explain away this event. They can’t use the one about
properly trained people handling guns responsibly.
Probably not. In Florida the only gun laws on the books are the ones
protecting gun rights. Believe me, I’ve looked.
- Reaching for a snack while in line at Wendy’s???
- A deputy with a loaded, unlocked gun in a POCKET???
- MISFIRE??? That is not a misfire.
The cop - one more candidate for the Darwin Awards.
He was an IDIOT with a gun
So easy to operate even 2-year olds can shoot them.
I can sympathize. Whenever I go to Wendy’s I get so salivated thinking of my next Baconator that I can’t help but dig for snacks in other people’s pockets.
Aren’t you being redundant?
just another reason why I crossed florida off my places to ever visit - the whole state is insane
And here I thought Texas would be in the lead by now:
Leaders in the Ranking of States on TPM & Raw Story with the most Careless Firearm
Florida - 15
Texas - 13
Pennsylvania - 10
New York/South Carolina (tie) - 7
Arizona/Indiana/Georgia/Tennessee (tie) - 6
California/Colorado/Ohio/ (tied) - 5
What modifications have these people made to their weapons so that a tot’s grip is able to pull the trigger?
My handguns are not only locked in a gun-safe, but they also have triggers that require 13 pounds or more of trigger-pull weight to fire. Making the trigger-pull weight light enough that a child can accidentally set it off is utterly reckless, and requires some explanation.
Well, Shoot.
That just shows ya shouldn’t keep snacks and pistols in the same pocket.
Jeebus be praised.
No, why was the pistol NOT in a holster. And why was the safety not engaged?
This is supposedly a trained law enforcement person. The fact that his weapon was not secured but loose in his pants pocket needs an explanation.
Obviously we need more guns in restaurants and businesses.