Discussion: Two-Year-Old Son Of Florida Deputy Accidentally Fires Gun Inside Wendy's

And received some much needed re-training in how to handle weapons. He obviously is negligent and careless with them.

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You bet’cha!. More guns…what could possibly go wrong? My question is, Eric (good snark btw), why does Wayne LaPierre (NRA spokesman) think more weapons in the hands of the unskilled and untrained is a good idea?

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($) = Good idea

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This is responsible gun ownership?! No thanks!

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Too true. In Florida, rain and bullets have a lot in common: both are usually falling somewhere.


his son “stuck his hand into his pocket looking for a snack.”

I bet his father taught him that for those times they were home alone together.

And sure to break the ice at partys!

So confusing…

BTW How many guys out there let 2-yo grabble in their pockets??

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My son never showed an interest in what’s in my pocket when he was little. Neither has my grandson (5yrs old). They’re both intelligent and well adjusted guys. My son has never shown any interest in guns. He has none and does not want one. I respect his opinion.


Any luck and he’ll soon be an ex-cop without a gun.

All of us gun grabbing liberals should just relax, the NRA has already solved this problem.

According to their website, if all of those people had assault rifles, and fired back at the shooter, then EVERYONE would be so much safer. You see, if everyone was heavily armed, then this 2 year old would have been POLITE, and when he POLITELY squeezed this trigger accidentally, somehow no one would have gotten shot. The solution is always more guns. Always. Problem solved.


I doubt it. He’ll probably get a slap on the wrist, and be forced to take his 2 year old to the firing range so that the toddler will learn some ‘responsible gun ownership’.

OMG! If crooks carry shields made of Wendy’s flooring, the police bullets will be USELESS!


So what’s next? Wendy’s asking law enforcement officers to “Respectfully” leave their weapons at home?

Sounds like the Sargent is a lucky man, that could have been the last child he’d father.

Probably a Glock. They don’t have safeties.

…and no charges were filed.

Barney Fife had sex? Who knew?

[quote] … nobody required medical treatment but the four were examined by local emergency crews. … [/quote] Reminds me of “Last Action Hero” an Arnold Schwartznegger movie “it was barely a flesh wound.”

Was the father billed for the emergency medical teams expenses??

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Just another wise gun owner carrying his gun into a fast-food place in his pocket loaded with the safety off. I’m sure everyone feels much safer now.