Discussion: Twitter Restores Instapundit Account After He Deletes 'Run Them Down' Tweet

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A true ‘dick’.


So Twitter unsuspended yet another twit…


I think University of Tennessee needs to run Reynolds down, and fire his racist ass…


Since when does ‘pithy’ = ‘govt-sponsored violence’ ? I thought people like him were for limited government? Or is that only when it applies to them?




yes, incitement to mass violence, how pithy. what a regular wit you are.


Now, I’m sure some enterprising journalistic organization could very easily find quotes and references from conservatives in the recent past, maybe even this particular conservative, trotting out the old “if the government isn’t doing it, but a private company is, then it’s not censorship” chestnut. So, for instance, I’m sure there are plenty of quotes out there from conservatives about how a restaurant should be able to refuse service to gay people or Muslims or whoever because it’s a private business. And I’m sure there are plenty of quotes out there from conservatives about how the CEO of a company should be able to deny health care to women because it’s a private business.

And, in fact, I know we can find plenty of quotes from conservatives about how Twitter needs to get even better and more efficient and ruthless at suspending Twitter accounts related to terrorism.

So, in the same spirit, if Twitter wants to suspend your account because you are an advocate of violence, because you, a law professor, write a tweet advocating that people in large numbers go out and commit mass murder, well, I have very little sympathy for you both as a person or as a victim of “censorship.”

And also, to be perfectly pithy, go fuck yourself.


It would be such a shame if one of these actions prompted hateful people to quit social media. Such a darn shame.


Absolutely. The man has no business teaching Law, of all things.


If a liberal tweeting something like that, Congress would be on the floor in frothing outrage-mode today.


If the professor had suggested driving through the parking lot at Twitter headquarters and running over random people, would he get his account back at all?


I’m sure some investigative reporters or simply concerned citizen somewhere at that university can find all of Glenn Reynolds’ email accounts, Facebook accounts, home and business phone numbers to share with all of us who wish to send this man some “Twitter love”.


Our local paper publishes his “column” every other week or so. I usually skip it, since it’s so much glibertarian bullshit. Maybe I’ll start wrapping fish with it.


Maybe he should be a bit less ‘Insta’?


Wake up Twitter, he’s not sorry. He just backed up so he can double-tap to be sure.


I agree; the twit took the tweet off Twitter, and then casually links to it on another site. I do with TPTB at Twitter take a second look at this. They have been played by a bigoted idiot with a large following. Were I a student at UT Law, I would strongly consider boycotting this moron’s classes. Does he teach the Dred Scott decision as a fine example of judicial thinking?


Thank you. Private company can allow whatever it wants to show. And I guess it wants to show most anything.

Appelbaum is a well known financial writer for the NYT. He has some of the worst examples of anti-semitism you can imagine. Twitter has done nothing. The images are grotesque and you’d have to see them on his TL.


Twitter has unblocked my account on condition of deleting the offending tweet. I’ve done so, but it’s here:: http://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2016/09/22/whoohoo-censorship-free-speech-advocate-and-well-known-conservative-instapundit-suspended-on-twitter/

So he’s unblocked because he deleted the offending tweet, but his first tweet links to the offending tweet? Seems like a big F.U. to Twitter and a clear intention that he intends to continue using their service to advocate for deadly violence. They should re-block him, this time permanently.


I’m not sure his problem is that he’s too pithy. I don’t see what’s “pithy” about his statement, anyway, aside from its brevity. It’s high-school parking lot trash talk.

Still, I suppose it’s better to blow some quick filth out there, get some attention, and then back off before you accidentally say something too insightful (about yourself).