Discussion: Twitter Joins Together To Mock Jeb Campaign's $75 Guacamole Bowl

One bowl for dipping? Where are the little dipping bowls that goes with the big one? For that much money you should get the whole set.

It isn’t very practical.

You can just put the lid on it and put the leftovers in the refrigerator after the party, so the maid will be standing around with nothing to do.


Yes, I love raggin’ on him for sure. But that’s actually a reasonable price for that bowl on a campaign site. It’s not EBay, the whole idea is to raise money. And a good stone bowl costs money. I bet the T shirts have a much higher profit margin.

You have a point. However, the item and the way it is being marketed are very symbolic of this Bush’s campaign - over-priced, clueless, attempting to appeal to Hispanics with superficial symbols, etc.

Jeb doesn’t subscribe to your racist conventions. There is the 1% community, which he knows well, the next 9%, which are for providing cushy jobs to the offspring of the 1% and for writing checks to PACs run by the 1%, and the 90%, which are for cheap labor and political manipulation.

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Corelle sets are awesome: relatively light; you can stack a ton of them in a small cupboard; cheap; durable; and ugly in such a boring way that they don’t draw attention to themselves.

I’m still using most of the set left from when I purchased it in the early 1980s.

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First of all, ALL items on campaign websites are overpriced.
Here is a BBQ spatula on Hillary’s site, it’s $25. Yes, $25. For a spatula. That’s probably more mark-up than the stone bowl.

Lots of other overpriced stuff too. Again, this is the norm, the goal is to raise money. And on the BBQ stuff, I could say she is trying to appeal to the blue collar “burgers and hot dogs grilling” people, or some such thing.

And frankly, most Hispanics are not going to get a guacamole bowl from the Jeb Bush site, I’d bet it will be more yuppie types who buy it.

I find the criticism and this article pretty childish actually. Attack the issues. Now if he had a bucket of fried chicken with Obama’s photo on it as a sale item, THAT would indeed be newsworthy. Overpriced campaign stuff is not.

Reminds me of a guy who spent 20 years playing the straight man in a comedy act without ever realizing he was in a comedy act.

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Especially when you an two of them in two days from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Origins-Mexican-120-25-Molcajete-Salsa/dp/B00H2R416S/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1438796334&sr=8-12&keywords=guacamole+bowl

The avocado or palta as we call them down here in Chile, is a staple of the Chilean diet. If you take pleasant hour or so long road trip through farm country south of Santiago to the little town of Pomaire, you can buy really nice terra cotta guacamole or whatever bowls for around 3 dollars USD apiece, or if you want to buy a dozen, you’ll get a break on the price.
Pomaire’s main industry is pottery. The pottery shops are situated in several colorful blocks. All manner of bowls, cups, plates, goblets, baking dishes, stew pots, and more fired clay vessels of all manner and size are on display. In addition, there are a number of restaurants where Chilean style food “comida casera” is served, “con cariño.”

More importantly: it takes 3 weeks to ship. That man can’t run a country


I suspect that Conseula the maid whips up their Guac, not Jeb! or Columba.

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So does the campaign store collect sales tax on that? Or is it a glaring loophole waiting to be exploited by all manner of unrelated nonsense?

and for $35.99 you can get a case of 24
 quite the mark-up for jebbie’s bowle:

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white shards on a white tile floor. Takes forever to find all the damn things.

Speaking of childish


Never give up an opportunity to screw a dumbass out of a few bucks

Talk about peak Caucasity, turning a molcajete into a “guacamole bowl” and being enough of a pompous shitburner to charge $75 PLUS SHIPPING for it.

Cost you less than that to hump one home from Mexico. I know because I’ve done it
but the authentic lava rock ones are worth the effort.

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Did you order as many Guacaca Bowels as you need for your ‘FoxdeBate’ party? Should get 2 for each guest— one for dipping, one for expectorations (projectile vomiting). Order now and additional bowles will on cost $74.99!


Are you serious? That’s a tiny 4 oz. plastic (polypropelene) bowl. Definitely not not for mixing, serving only. You couldn’t even fit the avocado in the bowl.

The Hillary Spatula markup is probably the same as the markup on Jebs’ bowl. So? Get a grip, this stuff is marked up by ALL campaigns from ALL parties because the goal is to make money. Just like the $1,000 a plate lunches. Do you really think it’s costs even $100 for the actual food and drink? No.

There are more important issues out there. Getting sidetracked on sophomoric nonsense does not help the cause, in fact it makes us liberals look as dumb as tea baggers. The conservatives will just go to Hillary’s site, where there is also all kinds of stuff priced high to make money. And again, so what? This is the norm, there is no news here.