Discussion for article #239080
They should have gone with “Guano Bowle” because they are bat-shit crazy. #MissedOpportunity
Guacamole Amnesty
Smuggled that back home in her carryon?
'Cause nothing says “In touch with the average American!” quite like a $75.00 guacamole bowl!
You go, Jeb.
Seriously. Just go. Please.
Secret recipe??? Avocado, salt, lime.
We bought six of those on ebay for $3.99. Yes, they are kind of tacky, but are fun for football Saturdays. Let’s see $0.66 a piece, or $75 a piece. Who’s the fiscal conservative now?
I have 2 or 3 of those bowls. They cost like $2 or something. How tacky of him.
Not to be outdone. The $100 Ted Cruz beer holster.
[Also suitable for hand grenades, small caliber pistols, other hand carried weaponry and small devices of torture.]
Because guacamole. Reminds me of the time I got in trouble as a kid (I was a bit of a punk) for teaching my best friend’s 3 year old cousin a very VERY bad and disgusting word that began with “c” and ended with “bubble”, which word was making him giggle in that infectious way little kids giggle while we were wrestling with him and riling him up. Well, mom decided it was naptime for her giggling out-of-control child, and came to tell him play time was over. For the life of me, I’ll never forget the look of innocent confusion and ignorance on his face…as if to say, “why must I nap when I’m having so much fun?” and “here, let me explain why I shouldn’t”…as he tried, not knowing what he was saying, to argue his way out of it by saying “but mommy…but but [horrifying expletive]”. Needless to say, I was sent home by a very angry mommy haha.
Anyhoo, I just can’t help feeling like it’s really the same thing here. Jeb doesn’t know shit from shinola about the Hispanic community, has no idea what to say to them, doesn’t know what argument to make because he knows he can’t make the right one…and yet I can just see that same look of innocent confusion and ignorance on his face as I saw back then as he argues to them “but but but guacamole?” as if it’s the saving grace of his argument and explains everything. I can see it now at the debate…“Mr. Bush, something something Hispanic community blah blah, do you think having a Hispanic wife gives you a certain insight yadda yadda?” “Why yes, Jim, we make guacamole on Sunday Funday.” Fucking. Ridiculous.
And hers is branded.
Nothing but the finest, , semi-disposable, thin-walled plastique for us. And, did I tell you about our fine antique Corelle place setting?
Real men eat avocados straight off the tree. Skin and all. Only an elitist, possible immigrant, needs a bowl. Jeb! is completely out of touch with real America.
Don’t laugh; I’ve got some Corelle dishes (fewer each year sad to say) from my mother.
I have a soft spot for Corelle. Grew up with it and bought my own set when I got my own place. Still nursing the last two plates from that collection. My wife hates them…
Jeb doesn’t realize an avocado can be scanned, let alone have a secret recipe for guac. On top of that, my spell checker wants to change guac to huac.
Whichever candidate wants to address insidious spell checkers is on my short list…
Corelle -------Been using them for 40+ years. No pattern. Easy to store and easy to load in the dishwasher. Wouldn’t have any other dishes.
Since they’re vintage I’d only charge $100 each piece… plus shipping and handling, of course.
But Wait! There’s More------
Well----------maybe not…