Really? Why pay 75 bucks for a plastic Molcajete ( that’s what that bowl is ) when you can get the real deal, in the proper basalt stone for half that?
Koch Bros. ordered a million of them.
Skin, and SEED and all. RAW.
RAW RAW RAW, That’s the old school spirit!
You can work 11+ hours at minimum wage, before Jeb! abolishes it, to afford your free time enjoying delicious home made guacamole…that is, if you afford the avocados and limes!
Dude, that is sooo huac!
A real Mexican (and he claims to be one) would be selling a molcajete made of basalt, not plastic. Pathetic.
Hate to break it to you, Heb, but your base buys guacamole in tubs.
It’s the tears of Messican Orphans that adds that special something.
I’m poopooing the whole idea that guacamole is some major Mexican thing only. Yes, they obviously eat it and the word is Spanish but I have quite a few Mexican friends that I hang with, work with and help upon occasion and all that I ask for in return is their mother’s cooking. It is so delicious, but in almost 20 years, not one time have we had guacamole unless I bring it.
My mom made the best guac ever, ever, ever, ever and she is Irish white. I learned from her.
Guacamole is as American as pizza FFS
That’s what we use. It’s amazing how that stuff shatters when it breaks. Millions of paper-thin glass shards.
It’s actually called a molcajete. But I suppose that’s too brown sounding for Republicans.
Sort of like the taco, it originated in Mexico (the avocado is a New World fruit), but it’s very much a part of American cuisine now.
John Bush is being divisive and attacking the strongly held convictions of many conservatives. He is fostering class warfare among Republicans.
John Bush is the wrong candidate for the Republicans to be even thinking of running.
The GuacacaBowl…for projectile vomiting during Fox debates.
Order now and you’ll receive 2 for the low low price of $149!
Wow, this is something to go off on, with all the other stuff there is?
First of all, it does not say what size bowl that is. If that’s the full size guacamole stone bowl, they usually go for $40-$45 or so. And campaign stuff is always overpriced, so what’s the big deal? My criticism would be that they don’t tell you exactly what you are getting (size, etc.). But if it’s the 8.5", that price is par for the course for a campaign website.
How about we concentrate on issues…
But, but but but ARUGULA!!
Hush, Jeb. We’re just funnin’ on ya.
I was gonna’ say tears of non-millionaires but I like your version better!