Alt-right out the door and don’t let it hit you in the ass on your way out…
Alt-right is alt-wrong.
I thought “Alt-Right” is what Matthew McConaughey says all the time.
For an exhaustive parsing of the movement’s various wings by one of its patron saints, you can read Milo Yiannopoulos over at Breitbart.
Milo, who calls HO “daddy,” is in a bit of trouble in the UK for charity fraud.
Where’s the money? Milo Yiannopoulos denies he spent cash for charity fund
Where's the money? Milo Yiannopoulos denies he spent cash for charity fund | Technology | The Guardian
#AltRightMeans a lot less typing than “#WhitePride #AlexJonesWasRight #JailTheBitch #2ndAmendmentSolution”
I’ll play along
To me #altright means that i should ignore foreign players influencing an election because such actions r #a-ok if you are a #moderndayrepublican.
Two of the first four are Ben Garrison trying to sell his “cartoons”. Apparently alt-right has picked up on that grifter trait.
The only explanation for #AltRight is that DSL service has finally come to trailer parks and bunkers across America.
They can go on and on with their #AltRight crap. I’ll continue being more worried about #PassLeft…
Here’s another
To me,#altright folks should.check to see if Nigel is still an #Englishman. #Germanembassy
Alt-right mean never have to say you are sorry for The Holocaust…
Oh man… ok —
#AltRightMeans that you forgot to turn off your blinker —
#AltRightMeans my alternator needs to go into the shop for repairs again? My luck it won’t repeat that shitty sound it makes when I have the mechanic look under the hood…as usual.
Fuck all this…Let’s just call them what they are: Nazis, White Supremacists, uncontrollable Bigots and Wildings.
Yep #AltRightMeans our lazy ass, cowardly press can’t be bothered to say “racist”.
Don’t forget “#WhiteGenocide”
I don’t know that I would call that first set serious. Seriously confused or misguided, perhaps.
I just want to thank Katherine Krueger for naming Gamergaters as a hate group (of the misogynist variety) along with those other darlings of the alt-right bigotry rebranding effort. Organized rape and death threats of women they disagree with = terrorism.
Amen to that. Heaven forbid they call that shit what it is…I’m watching Michael Steele and he’s all about how it shouldn’t be addressed in this way. Wow. So we’re supposed to keep listening to this crap out these bigots and their chief standard-bearer for President and just ignore it? That’s what the good people in Nazi Germany did believing it could never lead to anything bad for the country, and look what it brought forth in the world… WW2 and genocide. Just ignoring it won’t make it go away.