One more
To me #altrightmeans that i can accept my hero’s claim that there is no such thing as a Muslim sports hero.
One more
To me #altrightmeans that i can accept my hero’s claim that there is no such thing as a Muslim sports hero.
The only explanation for #AltRight is that DSL service has finally come to trailer parks and bunkers across America.
Or, it’s easier letting Jimmy stay in the basement all day on the computer than listening to him whine when you ask him if he’s ever going to find a job. Just keep the Cheetos and Mountain Dew by the stairs.
alt right + F1= reload
alt right + F2=call in air strike
alt right + F3=night vision
alt right + F4=crouch
alt right + F5=crawl
alt right + F6=run
alt right + F7=jump
Damn, I’m old…born after McCarthyism but with the knowledge it could exist…endured bigots, racists, aholes but all in all was able to deal with them. These little miscreants are beyond my ken…I don’t WANT to know them, understand them or in any way, interact with them. All I want to do is slap them…
Sorry Mikey we should EXACTLY address it for what it is!!!
Alt-right=“I think admiring Hitler and being a bigoted racist idiot is the bestest way to rebel and get noticed.”
Alt-Right == True Conservatism the way it was Ordained to Be.
OK…one more from me too.
*#AltRightMeans…hmmmm, lemme see. That’s a song by Joe Cocker, isn’t it? Yep. Pretty sure it is.
If not, enjoy this anyway…
I still don’t understand how this stuff is “alt”. It’s mainstream.
One of my favorites, it includes pictures of Milo Yiannopoulos and Leslie Jones.
Another good one, it includes a gif of a white male at a bowling alley screaming “Pay attention to me!”
The John Birchers and all their fellow travelers never went away. Funny that the Macho demographic follows a guy whose hair prosthesis was modeled after Liberace’s.
Alt-right is the last step before ctrl-alt-del.
I would like this a billionty if I could. You win the tubes today.
It’s the politically correct way to say “racist.”
Have been just listening to Republican Tom Colburn on MSNBC. He was threatening to go after the Far Left which I assume is Bernie Sanders? Can you believe these vile conservative threats against progressive voices that speak the truth? The GOP Establishment can’t control their own party and Far Right base so they are going after Bernie as a scapegoat?
Colburn also said he was going to get enough states to agree to a meeting next summer to change “parts” of the Constitution…not rewrite the whole thing which is what the Constitution stipulates. He said he wanted to end the balance of power between the three branches of government as well as the federal system which our Founders established. All 13 original states approved it and all the others agreed to it upon entering the Union as states.
It sounds like Republicans want to stop obeying any laws they don’t like. He admitted to Chuck Todd that Republicans don’t want a Constitutional Convention. Instead Colburn admitted this meeting of the states next summer would be something else entirely. The Red States are preparing to stage a political coup and overthrow the federal system.
Republicans think they will define Bernie as a communist (which he is nothing of the sort) because Trump and his GOP majority have been exposed as fascists. It’s Colburn’s excuse to ignore the Courts and the President…and Congress, too, if they lose it at the polls in November.
Dark days are ahead, folks. Republicans are on the ropes. Conservatives are seeing their power waning as demographics change. They don’t intend to obey the law or the Constitution if they aren’t in power…at least not the portions they have never liked.
And blame it on Bernie the Commie and his followers. It’s Senator Joe McCarthy all over again only this time it’s an organized assembly of demagogues and traitors. Nobody is going to get by with vilifying Bernie and his kids with their pitchfolks and torches. They will have to go through me first.
Establishment Republicans have let their Far Right take over their party and now they are plotting to stage another Third Reich overthrow of democracy just like in Germany. The Silent Majority must stand against them.
I so very hope they try. Let’s just get this shit over with.
I doubt Trump will let Colburn organize anything unless he’s the head honcho presiding. When Donald loses the election, he’s going to continue to march on with his skinheads.
You’re probably right. This has to come to a head. Rebels cannot be allowed to overthrow a legally elected government and establish their own rules.
The fact of the matter is that they can’t. But I’m dead tired of hearing them shoot off their mouths about it.