And winger heads will explode everywhere.
In the distant future, after the Roberts Court has dismantled liberal society and America has a rigid caste system, the tiny cadre of wealthy WASPy “Citizens” will no doubt erect a monument to the “Stalin-esque deplatforming” of the early 21st century.
Who’s Alex Jones?
Sad. Bye!
Bummer. But there are plenty of street corners in the country that are going unranted upon the whole livelong day. Get our boy a shopping cart and a crudely scrawled cardboard sign and he’s good to go.
Yo dawg, I hear you like Trump, so I ended my message with two reductive three-letter words so you can trumpoff with your trumpoff. #coined
ETA: I’m starting to think that the Trump-ism that really may survive in the culture is his practice of ending things with a short, crude, emotional gloss. So, I figure it’s time to start shopping around for names.
Yep. I’ve seen video of Jones actually working streets in Seattle. He’ll get arrested pretty quick the way he carries on.
Or…we could just vote. We could vote for Democratic presidents and candidates up and down the board for the next decade or two. Thomas just looks like diabetes and hypertension. And if we do that we can overturn everything they fuck up, but if we concede that all is lost then what’s the point?
We aren’t going to lose.
They are so busy digging their graves. They just can’t seem to get them deep enough.
wow! now twitter is totally legit!
Good riddance. This guy is beyond poisonous. He’s glowing nuclear waste.
Seriously funny.
I totally intend to try to bury those assholes in blue votes.
I also figure that, if the Right wins and gets to write the history books, they really will look back darkly at 21st century society’s attempts to shut down and quarantine their virulent and toxic culture.
Trump is no different from infowars and alex jones. Why he is not being booted out?
Tuesday’s tribute
“the rich aren’t like you and me…”
They are already there.
My vocabulary runs out of words for Alex Jones. He is not a douche, he is not a flaming bag of shit, he is far worse. He is far worst than a walking cesspool. Like with Santoium,"santorum" his name ought to be turned into a word.
I just love how the “total freedom” gang of conservatives who believe in unlimited property rights, yells like stuck pigs when the owners of platforms decided that their abusive actions and flat out lies should be banned. You either believe in private property or you believe that the Government ought to require content be carried. Which is it?
And the reality is that it is FOX news and its ilk, infact even InfoFraud itself, who engage in actual viewpoint discrimination as they peddle lies. Big difference in that an banning what is either hate speech or close to it.