Discussion: Trump's Son Incorrectly IDs Woman Giving Nazi Salute As Sanders Supporter

I guess trump Jr missed the trump t-shirt, trump gear, and all the special pass ID marking her as a supporter. Ya know…it’s the devil in the details.

I had a helpful image for you but our presently semi-broken commenting system won’t let me post images at the moment.
(Walks away frustrated)

Chammy, that sort of trophy hunting has no place among those who think rationally. As a kid I hunted rabbits, pheasant, and quail with my dad but we ate what we took. It wasn’t for the joy of killing. Trump Jr killed that elephant merely because he could and felt some sort of dominant manliness I suppose. What he did is the epitome of wastefulness and disrespect for Mother Earth made worse in my opinion by cutting that tail off.

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Trump Jr. appears to have deleted his retweet

LIke father like son…
Pepper or salt, which is the uglier Trump son? Any thoughts?

I understand about hunting. I grew up near the Pocono Mtns in PA and my father and my brothers and cousins were avid hunters, because it was how they supplemented the table for food. I still hated it because none of us would eat the deer meat or the rabbits. My mother used to cry when he brought them home because the poor woman had the clean them. He didn’t hunt squirrels but he did hunt Pheasant. I still hate hunting.

Trump Jr. along with Trump Sr are trying to make their ‘CALL TO VIOLENCE’ all about Bernie OR anyone else they can drag into THEIR DOG’N PONY show. Completely unaccountable, like FAUX NEWS.

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Her story doesn’t add up to the other version given by the man standing to the left of the image.

His twitter handle is Supreme Dark Lord, and you will address him as such.

I completely understand

Trump family wouldn’t know the truth If they were pissing on it!
Which is what they’re doing!

It was not incorrectly done it was done on purpose and like most of the stuff dumb nazi shit do it blew up in his face.

HEY JR, better late than never, she missed TRUMP SR.'S pledge of allegiance to your POPPY-‘THE-FUHRER’ the other night. She thought, ‘like father, like son’, so I’ll pay my respects AND SHE DID. So what’s the problem???

NEXT Jr will blame Bernie for Donald’s bad hairdo>>>>>>>>>>>

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Photo finish!

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Father Trump/Son Trump = Liar/Liar

donald’s children are far worse, because they carry the drumpf DNA. It’s incorrigible. Just look at donald’s father.


I’m glad they cleared a path for Birgitt Peterson. She was in a hurry to get home so she could bake a batch of cookies for her grandson’s Bar Mitzvah.

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Ooops - thanks for the clarification. Can you tell I’m not really aware of how Twitter works.

So, a woman sees a picture of Hitler, instinctively gives a Nazi salute then claims she’s no Nazi.


Is this the same Trump son who accessed Meatloaf as not having the necessary leadership skills that a Trump apprentice must have?

Someone said she was born in Germany. Probably attended a Nazi youth camp so she should know what she’s talking about. Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were involved in the American version of these summer camps for German American youth.

One has to wonder how many of the graduates are now attending Trump rallies today. How old was that old guy who sucker punched the Trump protester last week?