Discussion for article #247345
I hate Illinois Nazis.
I still can’t decide who’s more repulsive - Drumpf’s children or RMoney’s children.
I saw what you did there!
Part of why that was so funny in the Blues Brothers is the very concept of Nazis in Illinois was so ridiculous, and they were so hapless. The fact that we have to actually discuss nazi-ism in places like Illinois has shattered my comfortable world view that we are better off as a country than we were 30 years ago.
In all seriousness, though, Trump’s supporters and Trump himself do this a lot. They deflect the awful behavior of their supporters by saying they’re actually someone else’s supporter. It’s maddening because it’s easy to debunk, but the media just doesn’t.
You mean a scion of the Trump family tree is a liar? I’m shocked, just shocked.
Nut. Tree. Something about falling…
Try and lie down and keep your head below your heart and I think you’ll be ok.
The pus doesn’t ooze far from the boil.
Accuracy counts!
Rotten tree meet rotten apple.
Thanks. I needed that image in my head first thing Monday morning.
It successfully forced out the image of Donald Trump Jr. Seriously. Thanks.
And just like his daddy he quotes info from people that lean towards, um, thinking, thinking,people that really, really like white people.
Added bonus, putting the Bernie elderly woman supporter’s name out there for her to be hard core harassed as a false flag trying to take down Trump.
Trump’s kids by far. I am no Romney fan… but his kids seem like real people, not a bit of plastic surgery in the bunch. Unlike the trumpcreeps.
Trump Jr. lie? You mean the same anal wart of a human being as this guy? Same one who cuts off elephant tails as trophies after killing them? That guy? I’m shocked.
You mean he lied, not incorrectly identified. So now TPM has to be politically correct
She told the Times that she then gave a Nazi salute as a way to counter-protest.
“Absolutely I’m not a Nazi, no,” Peterson said. “I’m not one of those.”
No, she just plays a Nazi at Trump rallies. Nothing to see here, move along.............
If I had a gun, I’d shoot him right in his balls. I hate these big game hunters. Like his father, he has a small penis. Who the fuck really needs to hunt???
The concept of Nazis in Illinois was not ridiculous. In fact, it was very real back in 1977:
They’re everywhere. Hell, I suspect my dentist is a Nazi.