Discussion: Trump's Son Incorrectly IDs Woman Giving Nazi Salute As Sanders Supporter

with the exception of Ivanka, Tiffany and Barron, Trump’s children (and that includes Donald)

Funny; there’s a post making the rounds on Facebook, written (supposedly) by the guy to her right in that picture–Michael Joseph Garza. He tells a VERY different story–that he and some of the other protesters were working to clear a path so the Trump supporters could safely leave, and when he repeatedly asked her and her husband to go so they’d be safe, she responded with “Go? Back in my day, you know what we did–” and threw the nazi salute.


"Supreme Dark Lord "??? Is that supposed to be Trump Jr.'s account? How very mature he is … not to mention humble.


You don’t seem to be aware that Vox Day (Theodore Beale) is one of the people who were involved in the mess with the Hugo Awards last year; he was behind the “rabid puppies” slate of candidates, and has long writings criticising so-called “social justice warriors”, “thought police”, etc. No surprise that he would support Trump.


No, Supreme Dark Lord is the original liar. Junior is the surrogate liar (retweeter). Anyway, you can see where the megalomania and paranoia come from.

No need to quantify. They all suck.


My grandfather, a “Jew”, regularly threatened to “Gas” other Jews when I was a wee lad. This monstrous threat was almost inevitably preceded by an authoritarian command of “Pull my finger!” while he extended his hand in some sort of oddly reminiscent authoritarian gesture; made even more frightening by his Prussian accent and the fact that he had consumed large quantities of corned beef earlier in the day.

To Trump supporters, this is clearly “fuhrer” evidence of the new breed of Jewish loving Nazis.

(PS, all true which really made me smile like a bandit as I typed this).


Incorrectly? I believe that calling her a Sanders supporter is exactly what he intended to do.
Sure, he had no evidence for it.

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Is it safe?

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Certainly better than the uncle always cajoling you to kiss the bunny on the nose.


Nut. Tree. Something about falling.

Bullshit. Asshole. Something abut falling.

The turd is never far away from the cesspool.

Wow, and yes. But it was “between the ears”. Memory lane… Loving it.

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[Trump’s Son Incorrectly IDs Woman Giving Nazi Salute As Sanders Supporter]

Yeh…perfect fit…

Bernie and Nazism :neutral_face:

[quote=“PIP, post:23, topic:34936”]
"Supreme Dark Lord "??? Is that supposed to be Trump Jr.'s account?
[/quote]No, it’s this dude’s account. And if you think Trump is creepy, wait 'til you meet one of Vox Day’s followers.

Like Father like Son

as if a Sanders supporter would be caught dead wearing a Trump t-shirt anywhere

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Oh, fuck that is loathsome. That fucker deserves every rotten thing that´s gonna happen to him in his life.

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Wow - a 2fer - both Sanders AND the media! MiniDonald must be in orgasmic heaven.

Like father, like son. Born liars.