Kwityercryin Chrissy, bask in the warm glow of your Drumpfster fire.
No other candidate for President has refused to provide tax returns. Mitt Romney has said this is disqualifying. It is not true that being in audit keeps you from doing so. Donald Trump is simply stiffing us. And our incurious and shameless media let him get away with it because he simply changes the subject to something more inflammatory that gets its attention for a while. “Where are your tax returns? What are you hiding, Mr. Trump?” should be the first two questions at every phone or in person interview. And asked again and again until he provides them or is asked to leave the interview in shame.
Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to America. He himself is telling us that by robing himself in meanness, fabrications, and secrets. This would-be emperor must be left without clothes.
Hmmm…Has anyone told Hair Furor? I doubt he sees it that way:
This situation is beyond funny. Perhaps the lowest bar for any candidate in modern history has been set for Mr. Trump. Also he has to do is show up, read from the teleprompter and refrain from insulting women or any ethnic group during his speech. And, the GOP is not sure he can do even that…
“I think he is going to have to demonstrate inclusiveness not just for all Americans, but all Republicans,” Rath said.
Thanks for finally making it clear that Republicans aren’t actually Americans.
As a Democrat, I can’t wait to watch.
Bernie Sanders was a candidate until yesterday and he withheld his taxes as well. Mitt only gave one year of taxes; the one he had just paid and he could easily amend them afterwards to reduce his rate from 14% to what he was used to.
Trump’s loyal followers disagree and shout their disapproval:
Most of his high-profile opponents aren’t showing up in Cleveland, are they? If most of who remains actually support him, maybe he’ll still get his coronation, but it’ll fittingly be by the rump of the Republican party.
Trump is a hard sell. Its degrading to the Party minions that have to tow the line.
The sense of what peons they truly are must be deflating. They back Trump and pretend to like it or else they get Trumped.
Backing Trump publicly is like admitting to being an idiot or having weird desires to kiss a big flabby orange ass.
It is less a convention than it is detention. Its like being forced to go to class on Saturday.
This is the Breakfast Club in real life.
I saw a commercial for the Republican Convention the other day, I swear it felt like i was watching a commercial for a sporting event (WWE/UFC/Boxing). Not sure if that’s being directed by CNN or that’s the tone/theme the RNC is putting out there but it was very odd.
Donnie is the star of the epic 4 night reboot of The Gong Show, brought to you by McDonald’s Fish Delite.
After getting the hook in the first 30 seconds, the Trumpster overcomes all obstacles to get back to the stage, only to find Palin there. Trump bends over Sarah, Todd and Bristol lol.
But they have gone on Full Batshitcrazy in their new&improved platform! And here is just a sample: The platform demands that " lawmakers use religion as a guide when legislating," stipulating “that man-made law must be consistent with God-given, natural rights.” It also encourages the teaching of the Bible in all public schools because, the amendment said, a good understanding of its contents is “indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry.” This is, however, only ONE of the dangerous, ill tempered and outright insane proposals they propose as the bedrock of their party.
If such insanity and regressive nonsense is what this country wants, then our republic is dead and the inmates have truly and completely taken over the asylum.
This platform is a frightening harbinger of things to come if Trump gets anywhere near the White House. It is imperative that this insanity be stopped, repudiated and tossed on the trash heap of history where it belongs.
Poor Cleveland…as if they didn’t have enough problems, the GOP Shitstorm is about to hit.
The Republicans welcome you to Cleveland!
Cleveland: At Least We’re Not Detroit! ___ Sorry Bout’ All the Republicans.
Talking Points Memo has become tRump Points Memo.
OMG, I hate Donald Trump…He is such a POS.
Also lying about it–which appears to be an absolutely fundamental part of his MO for everything.
I was there once. Saw it all in an hour. Wow!
Who says it’s the Mistake on the Lake?
“Cleveland: At Least We’re Not Detroit!”