Truly. That’s all we need. We don’t have to have him in the stocks.
I think this Sat Nite Massacre 2.0 has actually made Trump quite vulnerable. The bar isn’t whether he’s guilty of a crime. It’s whether he has been ignoring established national security threats, committed collusion and obstruction. Get that info out there and he’s done politically. You can leave him in office and beat the hell out of him in 2020 or impeach and beat him while lining up crimes to refer for prosecution when he is booted out of office.
It’s all been out there, missing only the actual recordings of the calls… And they’ve stayed lockstep behind him.
No, it’s smart politics going into the 2020 elections. I don’t even think Trump is personally behind it, except for the reflex to kill everything Obama touched. The R’s will say private insurance will take up the slack. I think this is a move to push Dem 2020 candidates into over-reach on health care promises.
Republicans would love nothing better than to run against single payer health care. If the Dems don’t take the bait and support beefing up the ACA instead, preserving protection for preexisting conditions, we win.
Regarding “after Mueller”: Here is a question that probably has come up already in the comments (if so forgive me; I haven’t been reading TPM as closely as usual of late). But is it just assumed that Mueller is incapable of uttering a word in defense or clarification of his own report unless forced to? There was a reason for tight-lippedness while the investigation was going on, but why now? If Barr really has subverted Mueller’s intent with obstruction, as seems likely, and is trying to suppress all sorts of damaging information about Trump, is Mueller somehow duty-bound to remain mute? Is this another one of the crazy DOJ guidelines that we are now going to learn about?
It’s different when it’s a definitive report from a Special Counsel who says that 1. Russia messed with our elections to elect Trump, 2. Trump cronies did commit acts of collusion but not enough to reach the bar of a conspiracy charge, 3. Trump did a lot of obstructiony stuff that Congress must consider, 4. Oh btw, this was a criminal investigation of the sitting POTUS, and 5. Oh btw, I did shuttle a number of inquiries relating to Trump cronies from my office to other USAOs as there is evidence that they may have committed crimes which are more easily provable.
Not very smart for the Republicans, due to the calendar. If it gets to the Supremes, it’ll be in the fall docket, with a decision due in late spring or summer 2020.
Either they’ll lose, and energize Dems. Or (even better), they’ll win on a 5-4. Then 20 million people will be pending a loss of their own health insurance at the end of 2020 (won’t strip out the plan that they’ve already bought into for the year).
Pelosi will promptly pass a Medicare-for-all public option (not singlepayer), McTurtle will refuse to hold a vote on it, and we’ll go into the election with 20 million people about to lose their healthcare unless they toss out the republicans.
Hey, that’s it! I couldn’t figure out why these morons would do this but then you realize that their 2016 margins were razor thin, they were shellacked in 2018, lower income folks vote Dem and there are basically too many of them. So, gut Obamacare and kill off a few million of them, problem solved!
Or to quote the Sheriff in “Blazing Saddles”, “Boy am I smart, and boy are they dumb…”
I don’t recall who gave me this definition of an enemy. “An enemy is anyone who is willing to risk his/her own life to get the chance to kill you.” All those whose health depends on the ACA remaining in place, being improved, take note. From a broader perspective, the GOP perceives the public as the enemy, and works to our disadvantage in every way open to them.'Nuff said.
Not to mention the counter-intelligence dimension of the investigation. Are we supposed to now forget that ever happened? To not care what the result was?
Single payer won’t do it. When Harris recommended getting rid of all insurance as we know it and completely handing healthcare over to the government, it was a non starter. She had to walk it back.
If people think there’s even a chance of losing their coverage at work, or private coverage that they pay for and like, we’ve cooked our own goose.
So the GOP Attorney General celebrates his ‘victory’ (actually, his lying) by pushing for the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands a year of Americans?
Killing ACA will result in tens of thousands a year of Americans’ deaths due to inadequate access to healthcare.
Winning what?
Donald Trump is a piece of human garbage.
The timing of this is just too suspicious. Nobody steps on their own story without a good reason.
This is just a red-herring to get Democrats to move on after the B.S. Barr Report. This is to shift the news focus and leave the impression in the public mind that we have the Muller report and it exonerates Trump.
Democrats need to keep their eye on the ball and get the full, unredacted Muller report with all the underlying evidence.
I think that’s perhaps the most significant for the election campaign. Can Trump really do another Helsinki with Putn? Remove sanctions against Putin, when we have an OSC report that tells us that Putin attacked us? Is that not collusion in most people’s eyes? As Nancy says, ‘go find the goods’.
Except now Democrats can just say “Single payer would be great, but given the urgency of the situation we just want to restore the ACA”.
Your claims are inconsistent and misleading. You fail to distinguish between healthcare and its funding.
Losing coverage is not the same as single-payer funding.
I’m with you in spirit, maybe just too beaten down at this point. The way that the last few days have gone, it’s like absolutely nothing could be revealed that would move McTurtle from his shell even a little. Not even if we had photos of Trump personally handing the nuclear codes to Putin.
I’m trying to remember a time when Trump got good press and didn’t immediately step all over it with bad press.
Nope, can’t remember one…
Really? Have you been watching Trump for the past 2+ awful years?