Discussion: Trump's Companies Boosted Foreign Worker Visas To 10-Year High In 2018

Today in the Atlantic, they make an awesome case for impeachment. This is just the type of thing that is making us all sick.

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Josh should push this story to other media outlets. I can only imagine how this will go over in the tech industry.

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Instead asking the WH for comment, why not ask Stephen Miller (or his hair extensions) directly?

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I was going to make this point. If Americans won’t take your job under the prevailing wages and conditions change the wages and conditions

Dairying is hard work everywhere. But you can adjust the conditions to make it more attractive. For example, in NZ, staff are hired as “sharemilkers”- with a stake in the profits at season’s end. Similarly some farms have calculated that the increased yields from traditional twice-day milking are outweighed by the more manageable labor demands of once a day milking. If the US dairy industry can only function with undocumented labor, then the tremendous subsidies it receives need to be reworked so that that is no longer true

TLDR; some jobs are hard and smelly, but if they are demeaning and humiliating-that’s on the employer.


Looks from the pictures he uses this trick to keep from hiring black American workers.

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And no black Americans. When have you ever seen a large kitchen staff with no blacks? They must be recruiting in Eastern Europe.

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Anyone notice tRump is all MAGA all the time, EXCEPT, when he has to 1) get something made or 2) hire some people to work at his businesses. American labor can demand decent wages and take action if he decides to skip out on paying. Unless they’re government employees, then they can’t strike or decide not to show up. This is some sick fucking shit people.

Dear Editors:
"The company’s previous high number of visas appears to be 178 in 2016, Trump’s first year in office. "
WHAT??? Trump’s reign as King Baby didn’t start until Jan 2017. The election was in 2016.

Fwiw to the best of my knowledge they never employed undocumented workers - it was my father-in-law and brother-in-law and sometimes a 3rd person.

From the few times I remember him trying to hire local help they either didn’t have the work ethic he expected (I’m sympathetic as I ran into something similar paying $20 / hour last summer for some outside work. Kid lasted 1 hour) and one guy “injured” himself 2nd day on the job.

I grew up working hay and cattle (Dad had a small place in S Texas) so my scale is the literal family farm.

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I didn’t mean imply that your relatives hired illegal immigrants. I was thinking of the Esquire article about Devin Nunes’ family selling up in CA and moving to Iowa. The article describes a town utterly dependent on undocumented immigrants but unwilling to take responsibility for it or consider how they might structure the work to be more appealing to legal workers. Just lots of people driving new Yukon’s and complaining about their thin margins.


Propaganda via Fox News and their political arm, the GOP, have monsterized about 40% of the US population.

There was one, possibly two black faces in one of the photos, but I doubt this man was American.

No worries, I thought I’d clarify. Thank you for clarifying. :smile:

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Agree - my understanding was he wanted to avoid having to hire local people of color and was aiming for white Eastern Europeans. His base would not see a problem with that.


Look at them.

These folks did not come from Central America. I’m guessing eastern Europe

Interesting point. As soon as I saw the photo, I thought it was just begging for a photo edit that showed Trump in the middle of a bunch of people wearing KKK robes and hoods. But I didn’t even think to look at the skin color, just the clothing.
