Discussion: Trump's Companies Boosted Foreign Worker Visas To 10-Year High In 2018

This makes me so damn mad - this and Ryan and his Irish. This is straight banana republic shit,

@wtfinsc - ever considered that Ivana and Melania are his handlers?


Wonder how Hannity will spin this.


Republican Motto: What’s the use of holding Federal office if you can’t abuse your power for personal profit?


“Donald Trump is running a business, and businesses have to play by the rules in place, not the rules they want to play by. And he didn’t do it anyway, his employees did it without his knowledge! And what about Democrats, huh, what about, umm … everything Democrats do, huh? They, they, they support socialists for God’s sake!”


In the meantime, they have no fucking idea how many children they kidnapped at the border.


Lets take a long look at tourist visas. Tourism is down double digits. It’s down enough to effect the cruise business. Which has effected the unemployment rate in Alaska. Fewer tourist fewer jobs.


What a total hyprocrite the Potus is. He is now in a competition with Herod to take the most first born. How is it possible that so many US citizens support the monster?


And this doesn’t even get into the reports of undocumented workers at his contruction sites back when he was still in that business. (In New York, at least, a big project employing undocumented workers is a sign of two bad things: first, you’re not employing documented union workers who know how to do the job safely; second, you’re almost certainly paying off the mob for protection on the site so that your undocumented workers can do their jobs unimpeded and uninspected.


Look at them.

These folks did not come from Central America. I’m guessing eastern Europe. This is what folks crossing from the southern border look like

Notice the melanin difference.


This is, alas, completely in alignment with the Republican party’s long standing position and perfectly acceptable to nearly all the anti-immigrant factions. Remember a couple of things.

These are decidedly not immigrants–they are guestworkers here at the sufferance and whim of their employer. Once s/he is through with them, they are sent back to their sending country. This country has a shameful history of exploiting farmworkers through various guestworker schemes, most notoriously the Bracero program and the H-2A program is merely the latest.

The other program Trump uses, H-2 B, is just the nonagricultural outgrowth of that. As a corollary, they are an abusive employer’s dream–they dare not complain about wages or working conditions or they will immediately be sent home.


It was fairly well regarded when owned by the Kluges. Trump swooped in to bail out Patricia Kluge from massive financial problems.

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“The company’s previous high number of visas appears to be 178 in 2016, Trump’s first year in office.”
Cameron, ya might want to fix that last part.

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Sun: Hot.

Water: Wet.

Trump: Hypocrite.


I think I’m gonna go with the second one…

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Has any reporter asked him about Victorina Morales, his undocumented maid? Not that I know of.


Nope, he hasn’t.

The entire matter of his business or golf course in NJ leaving the names of undocumented workers, with forged immigration papers, off any list for the Secret Service to vet the employees, hasn’t been brought up either at any news event where he is forced to give an answer, from what I can tell.


Yes, this is legalized subjugation of an entire class of people for the profit of the connected. Thanks for taking the time to say this so cogently. These are not dream jobs or opportunities for citizenship in any real sense.


Sounds appealing.

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Um, my former in-laws were the last dairy farmers in Wilco, TX.

Difficult, physically demanding, and sometimes odoriferous yes.

Humiliating or demeaning? Nope.

It’s honest work.


Soo much winning. :confounded: :confounded:

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