Guess this belongs in the “do as I say, not as I do” folder…
Note to the Koolaid drinkers: that’s 200 jobs taken away from real Amurikans… Are you outraged yet??
“They get 100 percent this year, then either they’re really lucky and they have great lawyers or there is something bad going on,” Kuck said.
We know that Trump doesn’t have great lawyers.
" this is a legal process,” he said … “This is a procedure. It’s part of the law. I take advantage of that. There’s nothing wrong with it. We have no choice.”
Sounds like what they said in 1850.
Sarah, Kellyanne… start talking up California forest management. Big problem. A true national emergency. You know the routine. Protect me.
There is a word for this, hypocrisy.
Good report @cameron_joseph
Similarly, Devin Nunes family dairy farms in Iowa also employ undocumented immigrants of course, for the difficult stinky physically demanding and humiliating // demeaning jobs. This and another article explore his hypocrisy, a hallmark of GOP immigrant haters like Trump:
First time I saw the picture, I took it for a Klan-meeting ( the Cook Cook Klan ? )
Ford, Apple and all the others should use this exact same phrasing when Trump gets on them about moving jobs overseas.
Any word if any of these workers were asylum seekers that entered at the southern border?
Trump: Nothing is better for me, than thee.
Evil fucker continues to be evil. News at 11.
What a thing to wake up to. Every day there is some new form of corruption this guy has engaged in that demonstrates his utter hypocrisy. His willingness to thwart any rules he himself demands of others, is a constant fraud being perpetrated on the country.
Great for the add-on in the coming Obstruction case.
Or maybe another case entirely
Well, That’s Funny.
They got 29 visas for agricultural workers? Does Trump have a plantation, err, farm?
192 visas overall. And how many undocumented workers in the various Trump companies?
Those crappy grapes at the “Trump.Winery” don’t pick themselves…
How many reporters will bother to ask him even one question about this when he goes out of the White House to make his typically stale remarks while trying to board Marine One? Not a one of them. Even when he’s caught red-handed, they don’t bother to present him with the facts and try to get him on the record. If they did that everyday instead of "how to do feel about (fill in the blank), the kind of questions he loves to answer, he’d realize the jig is up.
Does he actually own a vineyard? i figured they bottled wine made from grocery-store grapes.
Great story, can’t wait to see it on FUX News…
Stephen Miller haz a sad.