As near as I can tell from the scraps of comments he has made in the past, Trump lacks even a basic grasp of how trade works and what trade deficits really mean. He seems to operate under the premise that America must be exporting more than importing, with every single country in the world. And the trade deficit is the score board. (It’s not).
He also has an extremely twisted view on the impact of tariffs, and that by merely raising them, countries will stop exporting to us and will jut lie down and let us import more to them.
The reality is that big trade wars with China, Mexico and Canada would almost certainly kick off a recession in this country…probably a very deep one. Add to that, deporting 11 million consumers and workers from our economy starts to push American into the depression zone. Toss in a war or two while gutting social nets and cutting taxes, and we will be looking back fondly on W.'s last few months in the White House as “Good Times”.
NAFTA was negotiated and signed by a Republican administration December 1991. If Trump’s administration renegotiates it, it won’t be to the benefit of the working class.
From Salon on TPP:
For one thing, leaving the TPP will remove America as a potential balance to Chinese economic and military expansion, which America’s allies in Asia very much desired to have. As a result, it will give China an edge in creating trade deals amenable to its own economic interests throughout the region.
It will also impact a number of American industries. The beef industry was hoping to benefit by the removal of the tariffs they face when they export their product to Japan; because Australia and Japan have a bilateral trade deal, Australian beef is sold cheaper on the Japanese market.
Similarly, the TPP would have phased out roughly 18,000 tariffs that the other 11 countries in the agreement currently have standing on American imports. By leaving these tariffs in place, it means that nations which negotiate lower rates with those same countries will have an edge in their markets.
The TPP also would have superseded the federal law protecting pharmaceutical companies that want to keep production data on new drugs secret for up to 12 years. Under TPP, they’re allowed to keep that data secret for five to eight years, with the hope that this will provide consumers with faster access to potentially life-saving drugs at affordable rates.
The TPP would have also required all parties to abide by the International Labor Organization’s prohibition of child labor, forced labor, and excessive hours. It would have mandated that these countries allow collective bargaining, guarantee work place safety, and apply a minimum wage. In the specific cases of Brunei, Malaysia, and Vietnam, the three countries had to commit to more specific labor changes and accept tariff increases if they were found not to abide by them.
Methinks Mexico and Canada have already begun plans to increase their trade to other more friendly markets than the shit show Trump has planned at their expense. I’m sure China and Europe will be more than happy to pick up the slack. You’ll note that Canada just recently signed an extensive trade agreement with the EU.
That’s my thought too. What incentive is there for either country to do anything? Especially his great villain Mexico. I’m thinking I’d like to be at that table so I could learn all the cool Spanish curse words and fancy ways of telling folks where to stick it.
Once all that takes place Trump will simply have to decree that it’s all Obama’s fault. Half the citizenry will dutifully adopt that blame as gospel. Just like Trump’s other preposterous claims:
The panel of Trump supporters also panned the protests that broke out across the country after the election.
“Some of them didn’t even vote,” Johnson quipped. “Voting is privilege in this country and you need to be legal, not like California where three million illegals voted.”
“Let’s talk about that,” Camerota said, appearing confused.
“I’m glad I brought that up,” Johnson agreed.
“Where are you getting your information?” Camerota wondered.
“From the media!” Johnson insisted. “Some of them were CNN, I believe.”
“Do you think that three million illegal people voted?” Camerota asked.
“I believe in California that there were illegals that voted,” the Trump voter stated.
“Do you think three dozen or do you think three million?” the CNN host pressed.
“I think there was a good amount because the president told people that they could vote,” Johnson opined. “They said, ‘The president said I could vote. I’m here illegally.'”
“Did you hear the president say illegal people could vote?” Camerota remarked.
“Yes!” the entire panel exclaimed. One panelist encouraged Camerota to “Google it, you can find it on Facebook.”
After debunking that claim, Camerota asked again: “You think that millions of illegal people voted in this country, you believe that there was widespread voting abuse?”
“California allows it,” Johnson declared.
That statement flabbergasted the CNN host.
“They do not allow illegal [voting],” Camerota stated, smacking her forehead.
I’ve negotiated with him over the years and he is not a bluffer.
Mmm hmm. I’m sure his bankruptcy judges were super impressed. We certainly know he couldn’t work his alleged magic with U.S. banks who refuse to lend him money.
Ross, who has known Trump for a while, told CNN on Wednesday that Trump is a great negotiator.
“I’ve negotiated with him over the years and he is not a bluffer. So if he says he will do something in a negotiation, not– I’m not talking about a campaign speech, in an actual negotiation, if he says, ‘If you don’t do this, I’ll do that,’ you bet your booty he will do it,” Ross said.
Yes, we know. Even if it means putting everyone who has invested in his project into bankruptcy and default. Egomaniacs and narcissists don’t bluff and they don’t negotiate - they threaten, bribe, torture, abuse and make totally unreasonable demands in order to get whatever it is they want without regard to the consequences to anyone around them.
What makes me so sad about this steaming pile of BS is that somehow these guys are assuming the mantle of defenders and protectors of American workers. Democrats are getting left in the dust on these issues - no matter how right or wrong they are about the underlying issues.
Listen, Liberal by Thomas Frank should be required reading for every Democrat who is still wondering how we have lost our way.
Here’s what they want out of the new NAFTA: get rid of this stuff.
Not only do the FTAs [e.g. NAFTA] incorporate provisions protecting internationally recognized labor rights and undertakings designed to lead to a cleaner environment, but they also contain obligations relating to international human rights such as afford- ing respect for the rule of law, transparency in government and the like.
So Presidents do direct negotiations now? His idea of governance is Let’s Make a Deal. Too busy to listen to daily briefings, not interested in meeting with staff of various agencies. What could go wrong? It may be a crime or misdemeanor being stupid and putting the country in the path of harm.
For a good look at Mr. Ross’ record as a champion of “the little people,” particularly coal miners, have a gander at Charlie Pierce’s profile here: Scroll below the Monty Python video (really) to find the relevant facts and figures.
With a record like this, how could Trump NOT pick Ross for Commerce Secretary and Chao for Transpo secretary and Price for HHS and Mnuchin for Treasury and…(oh sweet mother of God) possibly Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods for Veterans Affairs.
As noted elsewhere, we apparently now have a combination of Jim DeMint and Paul Manafort carefully vetting all of Trump’s key appointments. The potential for total chaos and corruption is so deep it boggles the mind.