Liar lies about lies. News at 11.
Raise your hand if you are past the incredulous stage and just tired of this buffoonery!
Same thing he “released” last time, I wonder if Trump wrote this one page summary himself as well?
" a statement released after the show was taped, the “Dr. Oz” show said that Trump “shared with Dr. Oz the results of his physical examination performed last week by Dr. Harold Bornstein, M.D. of Lennox Hill Hospital, whom has been Mr. Trump’s personal physician for many years.”
Whom has been Trumpf’s personal doc? Whom? These people who claim to be the guardians of western civilization don’t even know basic English.
Further thought: Hillary should go on Dr. Oz next week. With medical reports.
Hand raised.
And the polls are tightening slightly, why?
Hillary should be leading by 20 points, in every sane state and nationally.
Hot Orangemess will gladly tell us about his prostate gland. He’s a manly man
Without seeing a detailed result of his blood test how can we be sure that he’s not part Orangutan and part Chimp?
Might as well have been done by Malaria’s lawyer. It would have the same medical validity as coming from his stoner Doctor…
Unless we hear otherwise, I am going to assume that Donald Trump is pregnant.
Mr. Trump will be the dreamiest, smartest, most-humble man ever elected to the presidency.
Sincerely yours, Harold Bornstein, M.D., etc. etc.
PS: He’s really, really, really rich.
Something’s going on with Trump’s health.
We just don’t know what’s going on.
But something’s going on.
Any information about his skin conditions?!
Was it a five-minute physical in Trump’s limo?
I am sure there are many others in Western Civilization who don’t know basic English, as well. They probably know Greek, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, etc., but not English.
Faecal encephalopathy, and it’s apparently contagious
People love a spectacle, they love WWE and Reality TV…there’s a reason Honey Boo Boo was successful
Trying to scrub the references to ED…