Discussion: Trump Won't Actually Be Speaking To Congregation At Black Church In Detroit

Donnie made this decision when he was told there would be black people attending a black church


The second presidential debate is typically a town hall meeting. I propose, for the sake of fairness and balance to both sides, that the second debate be held in a black church, moderated by Hannity.


“Republican presidential nominees usually are not bold enough to go into communities of color and take the case to them and compete for all ears and compete for all votes,” campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said last week. “They’ve been afraid to do that. Mr. Trump deserves credit,” she added.

That’s BS and she knows it. Mitt Romney, for all his failings, spoke directly with black congregations. I believe McCain did at least once. You know, Kellyanne, just saying it doesn’t make it true. You people are relentlessly pathetic.


Jeebus be praised. (sigh)
I am waiting impatiently for this election to be over.


“Republican presidential nominees usually are not bold enough to go into communities of color and take the case to them and compete for all ears and compete for all votes,” campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said last week. “They’ve been afraid to do that."

“Mr. Trump deserves credit,” she added.

Uh, Kellyanne, he’s essentially going to sit in a room with some black people. If you think that takes boldness and courage, and deserves a lot of credit, well, that’s, uh, interesting.


Republican presidential nominees usually are not bold enough to go into communities of color

Seriously? What’s so “bold” about going into “communities of color”? That, alone, is an outrageously racist statement.


So in 2016 Trump should get credit for hiding in an office being interviewed by some Uncle Ruckus pastor
who Trump probably wrote a check to as long as he doesn’t have to be in a room with a lot of black people?
Oh—yeah Kellyanne. Makes sense.


The most important point here is why aren’t they???


of course the media will ignore these details and only report on trumps “outreach” to African Americans


That Lion of Conservative Courage, Bill O’Reilly led the way – recall his diner experience, where he was astonished to find black Americans acting like people.

Conway’s comments are making me ill this morning. I’m going internet free until lunch time.


He also will be interviewed by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, but that interview will be closed to both the public and the media and won’t air on the church’s network for at least a week after the event, according to the report.

Trump is asserting editorial rights over this, otherwise the delay is unnecessary in light of his need to address his shortcomings in the black community in a more timely fashion. Otherwise why a week delay? This interview will be viewed and analyzed from a dozen angles by a dozen Trump people, tweaked for content, scrubbed of insensitive remarks (Trump's raison d'ĂȘtre) and finally released. The Bishop will undoubtedly be required to sign a nondisclosure of the proceedings and agree ahead of the interview that Trump has final control of the content presented and any excised footage and audio..

WTF? Whose money is he wasting with this trip? Because you know it’s not his $.


What she meant to say was: The Sheriff is near!


maybe what Cheeto Donnie needs a translator


Trump has in recent weeks made overtures to black voters, telling them Democratic leaders have left them to live in crime-ravaged inner cities. Yet he has faced criticism for delivering those overtures in predominantly white communities.

No, he hasn’t. He has given dog-whistle laden speeches to all white crowds under the cover of “reaching out” to black people and the media has gone along with it because they are irresponsible enablers whose abandonment of their basic responsibility to inform the public is in no small part responsible for a short-tempered narcissistic blowhard being an election away from having his finger on the nuclear button.


Trumpf won’t actually be speaking to the congregation, he won’t actually be at a black church and he won’t be actually in Detroit. Oh, and it won’t actually be Trumpf.


‘Direct outreach’? Really? ‘Mr. Trump deserves credit’??? Which alternate reality do you live in Kellyanne
or a better question is which reality do you ‘think’ the American public lives in?


No, but like the fantasy that Trump’s recent “outreach” to black people had anything to do with reaching black people the media will do its darndest to make everyone believe it is true.


So Trump rents the room, invites his white racist friends, and probably leaves a mess.

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