Too much of a good thing ?
And you just KNOW that $ has been exchanged for the priviledge of his being able to physically go to the church, sit for 20 mins, then leave.
So what’s President-Elect Clinton’s schedule for the week? Any new substantive policy statements? Any major media oversight, dialogue?
It’s not true either. John McCain did it various times in 2008.
Rand Paul has spoken to predominately black audiences on a number of occasions. Not that they have gone over particularly well, but he most definitely has made the effort.
Rubio routinely speaks to Hispanic communities, and has for years. As does basically every republican politician in Florida.
But of course, the real BS in her statement is that Trump hasn’t done this. He has gone to overwhelmingly white communities and spoken about the “Black problem”. That’s pretty much the polar opposite of what she is trying to spin here.
Eeks, I’d forgotten (completely) about Rand Paul. Oops. Thanks for reminding that he did this as well. I’ll give him kudos credit for doing so. What pisses me off more, here, is that the press is largely compliant with these idiotic lies. They don’t challenge KAC or Katrina Pierson on the vast majority of the bald-faced and bold-faced lies they seemingly make up on the spot.
You want to talk about MSM compliance?
Read this article.
How in the world is this not the lead story on every network? He owns a company, which he freely and repeatedly used on national television, that actively engaged in a conspiracy to break federal laws and lie to federal officials, while exploiting under aged, undocumented models with exorbitant rents.
In a normal campaign season, this would be the only story we would hear. Hell, even in this story, if Bill or Hillary were attached to this…even through 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, let alone owning the company…it would still be all we hear.
“Republican presidential nominees usually are not bold enough to go into communities of color
Since when does the "tell-it-like-it-is’ Trump campaign go all “politically correct”? Oh that’s right, they save the n-word talk for their rallies.
Pardon me Reverend Jackson, but Trump doesn’t go on MSNBC. As a matter of fact the only network he goes on now is FOX. He can’t handle being questioned by anyone that won’t throw slow pitch to him.
She makes it sound like Trump’s going on safari.
Romney and McCain also spoke at the NAACP.
Trump refuses to do so.
20 minutes? I think Trump has no idea how long Sunday services can be. Heh heh.
I’ll bet he sings like a white boy, too.
LOL – yes, she does! And that makes it sound all the more racist. I swear, we need to work on a cure for CTDS: Conservative Tone-Deaf Syndrome.
will he be bringing Donald Jr and Eric along ? They like safaris …
He’s going to miss so many opportunities to say “There’s my African American, oh, look, there’s another one, and another one who looks hot with those boobs”, you get the idea.
You know he would have slipped in a “hoochie mama” comment or two.
He still may as he segues from calling Mexican women “hot tamales”…
The city’s Democratic mayor, Mike Duggan, told the Free Press that he believes Trump “marginalizes huge groups in this country who aren’t rich and who don’t look like him."
That’s why
Oh my gawd, at long last, he’s enlisted Charo! Can’t wait.
ja ja ja ja ja!