Show me your papers!
Trump: I won everywhere where Voter ID was needed. Voter ID must be in every state. That way I will win 100% of vote in 2020.
The gauntlet is thrown.
Get all of em (modern day GOP) on record.
Now that he’s tying it in with voter ID, it’s a sure bet that every Republican in Congress will suddenly swear that five million people voted illegally last November.
Yep, that’s how it went down.
It’s pretty obvious Mitch McConnell isn’t blowing up the filibuster on legislation. I’ve heard no talk of it nor a willingness to do it. Any national voter ID law is going to require 60 votes. They might get to even 55 votes as a best possible case, but not one of the other 45 has reason to budge an inch. In fact, their political lives depend on them refusing to give in. In short, this ain’t happening.
But of course they’re going to. And make a big stink about it. And cry “democracy” while trying to institute an ideological Jim Crow.
But no matter what they do, one thing is for damned sure: they ain’t never gonna find those 3-5 million “illegals” Jabba the Hutt believes are out there.
So, playing devil’s advocate, would it be smart for progressives to have massive voter id registration drives prior to the 2018 elections?
Fight fire with ID’s, so to speak.
I’d go one better, and say the Democrats should just push for a national ID card. Stop trying to fight this battle, call the GOP’s bluff, get rid of Texas-style ID rules (student ID, no - concealed carry permit, fine) and push hard for every citizen to get one.
Does Trump understand that a National Voter ID law can’t be done by executive order? It will take congressional action. By making it a national issue, it will receive the kind of attention Republicans have been seeking to avoid with their careful ALEC driven state by state approach.
Please proceed Mr. President, please proceed.
Sure, the OH Secretary of State doesn’t want the federal government investigating his election; they might uncover the full impact of voter suppression activities. Much better, from their POV for them to just do more voter suppression.
That is what I think as well. Make voter id a big damn national deal.
The GOP wants to rig elections in every state. It will be nice to get this of record.
I suspected that this whole thing was not so much as Trump being an idiot but Bannon being smart: when the perception is massive voter fraud the only was to “fix” it is massive voter ID laws. We win.
Voter registration drives or voter ID drives will not work this far out from the election.
Most poor people don’t have a stable address, so they may move a couple of times before 2018. Heck, I’m in pretty good shape, and I have had three addresses in the past four years.
Why, this irreversible commitment could last … hours!
Absolutely. Republican governors in several swing states are either term limited from running for reelection or are up for reelection. MI, WI, OH, FL, NV to name a few. Then there’s PA where the Democratic governor will be on the ballot. If we can win these states, take back governorships in a dozen or so typically blue states, and hold or grow our numbers in the House and Senate then this voter suppression racket is effectively over.
Indeed. I think calling the GOP’s bluff could be an excellent tactic on a number of issues. Give them pyrrhic victories while pushing forward a more reasonable agenda. Trumplthinskin will actually think he’s winning too.
/unrelated snark on
And maybe we can add a little flag emblem on it if you own a gun. You know, to show how patriotic you are. Because, you’re not against patriotism, are you?
/unrelated snark off