Discussion: Trump Weighs In On Scott Pruitt: 'I Hope He's Going To Be Great'

I mean, political capital is basically the rate of change of support with respect to pushing for a particular outcome, right? Trump’s incoherence makes it hard to tell exactly what that is, because he supports all positions at some point but his supporters totally don’t give a shit about any of them.

We’re trying to evaluate d(support)/d(outcome), but it’s zero over zero or something.


I think ‘hope’ is the sell, here. Trump uses that word in a very peculiar way, quite at odds with its conventional meaning. I struggle to define it.

What does it mean to hope for an outcome that (a) you control completely and (b) in a sense has already happened/not happened? A dog hears this and tilts his head, hoping that if you listen to it sideways it makes some sort of sense.


Political capital is usually as I think of it, the power a politician gets from those who voted for him - it translates into support from other politicians who want a piece of that voter base.

When you lose the popular vote, like Trump did, and start polling around 39% approval, you don’t have any political capital to speak of.

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[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:24, topic:70429”]
We interrupt this thread to bring you something completely different: TMI from Mike Huckabee. Holllly Shit
[/quote]If only his daughter could be so charming, engaging, interesting and slap-my-doggone-knee hilarious.

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In that sense, yes. In a different sense, he wields immense power over Republicans in Congress. Or he could if he were interested in doing the job.

The Republican base is more than willing to rend flesh from bone from any congresscritter who is insufficiently pure, and right now Donald Trump controls what Republican purity means.

Fortunately for our country, he is too lazy or incurious to make these sorts of threats. He just goes on twitter and weakly bitches about the filibuster stopping legislation that has strictly minority support.


I did see it.

Thanks for that image (not).

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This man has more political capital than any human being in history…most would have been ridden out of town on a rail for for half of the serious transgressions and lapses in judgement.


It really doesn’t matter what Trump says. You can’t bank on any of it until shit happens.

With regard to the GOP that’s mostly true but not entirely. O well it’s a slight difference of viewpoint we’re talking about. I get your point.


Uh oh Scotty, better wake up from that “nap” and get your resume ready.

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That Pruitt’s on a one way trip to Yourefiredville.

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That in that moment he knows just about as much about who Scott Pruit is as he knows who Frederick Douglas is.

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CARB was passed under a Republican governor in 1967. Yes, Reagan. One of the reasons was because the air quality in Southern California became quite unhealthy. Even on environmental issues which had bipartisan support the Republicans have gone batcrap crazy.

From Wikipedia

The California Air Resources Board, also known as CARB or ARB, is the “clean air agency” in the government of California. Established in 1967 when then-governor Ronald Reagan signed the Mulford-Carrell Act, combining the Bureau of Air Sanitation and the Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board, CARB is a department within the cabinet-level California Environmental Protection Agency


You could be right, but I still think Pruitt will stay.

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That’s hardly ‘weighing in’ headline writer

nobody fires Koch money

You know that raveled/unraveled is like flammable/inflammable, right?

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Trump will continue to double down in support of Pruitt - partly because Trump likes anything that pisses people off - and partly because the continued ‘service’ of a corrupt and contemptible asshole like Pruitt is an attention creating and sucking cancer - and it demoralizes the majority and deals a withering blow to the majority of Amerian’s faith in the governmental system - - and Trump wants that - if he could spray virtual (or real) feces on every aspect of the American governmental system - he will - his goal is to pull off a hostile take-over of the whole freaking country - and the more that people feel that the “American system” has become a putrid fetid mess - the less inclined they will be to fight for it - - it is the Trump way - bankrupt an asset - position your self as the only real contender to resurrect it from the ashes (because you made it such a rank mess) - get released from debt - reorganize - blow smoke up the markets hind end - raise massive amounts of funds on the smoke filled plans - rinse and repeat …

hey kids, buy me! then you can share my bed behind steel doors - psst - don’t tell your mom