Discussion: Trump Weighs In On Scott Pruitt: 'I Hope He's Going To Be Great'

Seriously, does he have any political capital at this point? I think firing, supporting or ignoring Pruitt all have the same political return on investment.


From The Urban Dictionary:

ā€œDotard: A cross species between on Orangutan and an Oompa Loompa. The Dotard is usually bred in captivity by wealthy families that wish to pass on their inheritance without having to raise an actual human. Although a Dotard has the ability to speak, it usually has a vocabulary limited to simple words and sentencesā€¦Due to its limited vocabulary and IQ, a Dotard is only able to perform limited tasks. Some examples of common tasks that a Dotard is able to perform include the following: Politics, Golfing, Texting, Spending Daddyā€™s Money, and starting world wars.ā€


Media Matters has this from Matthew Gertz but weā€™ve known it for a long time

You will see him talking about three, or four, or five different topics in a row that mimic Fox & Friends segments from that day. So what I eventually concluded was, yes this is what is happening, the president of the United States gets up every morning, he turns on his television, and he watches Foxā€™s morning cable news program and tweets in real time about whatever he sees. You know, I also spend several hours a day watching cable news and tweeting about it, but I am not the president of the United States. This is very strange and I think disturbing for a couple of different reasons. You know, the cast of Fox & Friends are not exactly the brightest and the best. These are not Rhodes scholars. They are people that once attempted to roast marshmallows over an open flame with their bare hands and that didnā€™t go well.


We interrupt this thread to bring you something completely different: TMI from Mike Huckabee. Holllly Shit:

You may now return to the Pruitt excoriation in progress.


He thinks he does. But really ā€œpolitical capitalā€ is the closest normal-world translation I can think of for what heā€™s reluctant to invest here. Time, thought, a fuck, whatever.


And the ever popular, easily doable, Watching While Eating, Eating While Phoning, and Raging While Wearing a Bathrobe.


Your governor will keep the standards in the state, Iā€™m pretty sure so at least you have that.


I love the first comment on that twitter thread. hahahahahahahahahaha


ā€œThey put me to sleep w/ same stuff Michael Jackon used.ā€

They obviously underdosed Pater Hucksterbee.


Stick a fork in him, heā€™s done.

Sometime in the next week or two when Trump feels pressure from the WH crisis du jour, Pruitt will get the tweet of death.

He will likely be replaced by the WH barber who Trump really likes.



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Make no mistake about who is NEVER going to be greatā€¦the Don and his henchmen are a disaster for the free world and humanity at large.


See Maddow show from last eveningā€¦there was a segment on thisā€¦

ā€œI hope heā€™s going to be great,ā€

An epitaph


Yep, heā€™s doomed. I give him two weeks, outside. Buh-bye, Scott, we hardly knew ye.

The great ā€œI am great, you are greatā€ scene from Star Trek:

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Iā€¦ think?.. that his political capital is immense, but he does not know what it is or have interest in using it. He doesnā€™t transact, per se. He acts, the world acts around him, and thereā€™s really not much going on between the two. Perpendicular motions.

In other words,

No deal, no deal, you are the deal!

While I agree with you, @rob_beatty_walters makes a good point with the Koch connection. We canā€™t underestimate the Kochs behind the scenes power within GOP circles.


From whence does this political capital come?

Either Trump is having one of his famous senile moments and doesnā€™t remember who Pruitt is,
Or, Pruitt is on his last legs.

I would wager the later. When Trump says the White House has ā€œgot your back,ā€ then that person is as good as gone.