She’ll get off the court early next year and allow President Hillary Clinton to nominate her successor. So yeah, she’ll be leaving very soon, Donald.
Octogenarians have long since given a fuck about what anybody thinks of them. It’s one of the benefits of aging.
Zero grasp of how the federal government works.
I believe the Donald has a problem with strong women, maybe because of mommy issues.
That lifetime appointment cuts both ways doesn’t it rump?
I love Notorious RBG dearly. I consider her one of the three of four finest justices in the past 50 years. But she should not have lowered herself to even discuss this ur-POS. He is so far beneath her, he isn’t worthy to clean her shoes. I really do believe Supreme Court Justices should not comment on partisan politics. Just my idealistic view…
This gentleman has a keen grasp of how the United States government actually functions.
"And I would hope that she would get off the court as soon as possible,” he added.
C’mon, America. Get with the pogrom.
LOL>> hey Donnie I wanna win the Powerball…
until Hillary wins in November guess which one is more likely…
Trump does seem to have a yuuuuge problem with women that he can’t intimidate, sexualize, and control.
I normally would say the same. But I truly believe that our press and the norms in our politics aren’t set up to effectively counter a demagogic proto-fascist like Trump without speaking directly to the situation as it is. That’s my view.
WHEn TRUmp BEcOmes PResIDEnt, TruMP is GOINg to SO fire seNILe Ginsburg
Maybe you could negotiate something Donald. She leaves as soon as another judge gets through the nomination process and onto the Supreme Court. Talk with your good friends in the Senate about that.
Is Trump also suggesting that Clarence Thomas be removed because of his wife’s political activities? Any comment on Scalia’s inappropriate activities with Dick Cheney?
I see what you did there!
The real question: was this reactionary tantrum funnier than it was predictable or more predictable than it was funny?
Life is tough when you are a draft dodging coward and an asshole loser.
Can’t quibble with a word you said. Undoubtedly 100% correct. Tragically.