Discussion: Trump Tweets Video Of Himself Attacking Figure With CNN Logo Edited Over Face

“I’ll save my outrage for the next time there’s another Ni(clang!) in the White House,” Lee added.


I think it’s about Liebowitz’ rooster.


The Reddit people must be pleased as punch?

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I think we’re motivated differently just the same. It’s our country here. For him it’s all personal.


Shows that ill douche-y hasn’t ever had a creative thought in his head.


And opportunities keep coming everyday to remind ourselves of this grifter/enabler too. Yeah, remember this one?

Ivanka Trump says she’s ‘complicit’ with her father in trying ‘to make a positive impact’

“If being complicit is wanting to, is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact, then I’m complicit" …

“I don’t know what it means to be complicit,” she added. “But you know, I hope time will prove that I have done a good job and, much more importantly, that my father’s administration is the success that I know it will be.”



That’s Vince with the CNN ‘dot’ over his face and that was Trump ‘fighting’ him.

Two things:

  1. That match was based off of a plot line of both Vince n Trump being billionaires and the end result was that Wrestlemania match.

  2. Though Stamford (WWE’s parent hq) can’t stop all of the pirated (and in this case, misused) content that the fans view, their Monday (ok Jerry McDevitt’s) response to this gif. should be interesting.



Submitted without comment.


Thank you for this touch of noir humor. That thing looks like an exhibit in an alien museum several million years from now: “The significance of this artifact from the radioactive third planet of star G358xL, nicknamed SOL for those unlucky enough to visit the system, is unclear.”

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This video has been around for years. Another angle of it reveals Trump pulling his punches just like the fake wrestling shows do. This is a perfect Trump symbol.
Keep it up, fool. Never change.

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But it’s always sunny in The Mission!


Thank you for that. I’ll try to find it and will do the same.

One thing I’ve thought about a lot, and it troubles me because not much has been said about it.

If, as he says, using “social media” (which to him is apparently all Twitter, nothing but Twitter) is “being modern presidential”, and his tweets, as has been reiterated by his press secretaries, are not merely ‘opinion’ but are ‘official presidential statements’, then every time one of his tweets gets deleted, he is breaking the law. Not just being stupid, but egregiously breaking the law. You know, one of many that deals with elected officials (including 'modern presidents) keeping all records of communications, et al…

I can’t count how many times I’ve read the words, “the tweet was later deleted…” regarding some stupid thing he spewed onto Twitter. Take the ‘covfefe’ tweet for example. Why was it OK for him to delete that? It’s part of the presidential record!! Deleting it is a CRIME.

Now, if Trump thinks he can write and delete tweets with impunity, then what’s to stop him from thinking it’s ok to, say, delete those “tapes” of Comey he alluded to? NOW he says there aren’t any, and I believe him. Because I believe he did have them, and destroyed or deleted them.

Why hasn’t the White House responded yet to the demand from Congress for all records pertaining to communications with Comey by the White House? They are supposed to keep those records for exactly these reasons. Sometimes we need to review them. They are the public’s records, of a public servant, who works for and is paid by the taxpayers, by We the People. And that includes all of us, not just his ‘base’.

These perspectives aren’t being reiterated and driven home enough. He has a responsibility to ALL Americans, not just the ones who voted for him, or the sycophants who surround him, or the Party he signed on to. And if we want to see the records, he better damned well produce them!

And he needs to stop. deleting. his tweets. We need to start taking the administration and the Predisent to task about that.

He needs to be threatened with consequences anytime he acts in opposition to, or contravention of the law. How do we begin to demand this in an effective way?

Start with the media perhaps?

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From Le Figaro

We are the world’s laughingstock.















yep…this upcoming Monday will be awesome.




“That was some weird shit.”

I wonder what kind of reception the Trumps will receive in Paris? If Trump is afraid of the crowds in London, does the idjit realize that all the Brits throw are “British Workers’ Salutes?” The French throw actual projectiles.