Discussion: Trump Tweets Video Of Himself Attacking Figure With CNN Logo Edited Over Face

I love the sound of foghorns.


I wish that was rendered a little better because it’s the perfect concept.

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I knew somebody would. Should have known it would be you.


I think the “an” is old school and dying (probably dead already among the youngsters). Time and language march on. I do remember being taught some rule or other about that usage but can’t for the life of me remember it. I do say not just write an historical so I’m really old.


Holy Sh!t, is this for real?

June 9, 1954
“Have You No Sense of Decency?” Joseph Welch reacts to Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Mark your calendars, Sunday July 2nd, the day a United States President made a mockery of our country and constitution. We are the laughing stock of the world. SAD! Where the f@ck is Clinton, Bush and Obama on this? This cannot stand.

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I think the former Presidents are waiting for the right moment. When they speak as one, it will be as a coup de grace.


I hear ya’, but he’s not really getting that much voter support, is he? The latest Republican health care plan polled at 17%. There will never be a Great Wall of Mexico. And Trump’s approval rating continues to decline…


I hope you are right. This is unacceptable.

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There was a gap of 4 months between Ford becoming president and Rocky becoming VP. If Capitol Hill were so inclined, Presidents Trump and Pence could both be removed before a new VP was confirmed. The baton would then pass to Ryan.

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Wow. I just pictured it. That would be amazing.


I was taught how to use commas which has been revised today to use the Oxford comma. Not me, I can’t, and I won’t. Haha.


“Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.” - Winston Churchill …


That’s a possible (but IMO unlikely) scenario. It would require the R’s in the Senate to agree that Little Paulie Munster ought to be President. Myself, I think they’ll behave more like sharks on a feeding frenzy – they’ll each-and-every-one think that s/he could be the next VP and then the President.


Obama has spoken out, so has Clinton, and maybe the time’s not right for bush whom we still hate though I think he’s on the path to redemption because the O’s have befriended him. In the meantime, Keep Calm and Carry On.


President Camacho had more poise and class.

Let’s bring back dignity and class to the White House. Let’s draft Terry Crews to run for president!



You can tell the physical man is different

It’s a valid consideration, but I think Trump did his own stuntwork here. The pudgy hands, long feet, and block-ish head shape with squared-off back of the head are an unusual combination. The cuts are probably there to avoid showing his awkwardness when he stands back up.

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Me too. I am tired and exhausted at this cycle of outrage followed by having to re-focus on what’s important (healthcare, sham “election Integrity” commission, zombie Muslim ban, civil rights), followed by eye rolling at media pundits saying Dems need to stand for something, followed by brocialists hating on Hillary/establishment and demanding single payer over bust, followed by 5 min of dread calm.

So damn tired. I have stuff to do for petes sake.


It’s rolling, live, without benefit of his direction.