Discussion: Trump Tweets Video Of Himself Attacking Figure With CNN Logo Edited Over Face

Haven’t you noticed? The Gong Show is baaaaacccccckkkkk!
I mean for real. They are advertising it and everything.
Yes, that means this fucking nightmare in orange has supplanted reality.

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Love this comment - love your ability to see things with an historical viewpoint.


No other modern day heads of state are communicating this way. He is unwell and not presidential in any modern sense.

25th amendment -Congress needs to act. Taking health insurance away from million of Americans can wait. Tax reform can wait.Everything on the Republican agenda can wait. Pence should attend the g20 next week rather than Trump. He is too unstable unhinged, imbalanced, ill prepared, over-the edge, around the bend, bat crap crazy to represent this country in any way, shape, or form.


Love that you write an historical. It’s a pet peeve of mine probably beaten into me by countless nuns.



I don’t get everything right, but there are a few things that I am hung up on too.


To My TPMers, below are the lyrics to my greatest song, by The Great Donny Hathaway. I felt compelled to share it…Thank you Donny for the beautiful lyrics, for we need in times like this…

**Hang on to the world as it spins around
Just don’t let the spin get you down
Things are moving fast
Hold on tight and you will last
Keep your self respect, your manly pride
Get yourself in gear
Keep your stride
Never mind your fears
Brighter days will soon be here
Take it from me, someday we all be free, yeah

Keep on walking tall
Hold you head up high
Lay your dreams right to the sky
Sing your greatest song
And you’ll keep going, going on
Take it from me, someday we’ll all be free
Hey just wait and see, someday we’ll all be free, yeah
Take it from me, someday we’ll all be free
It won’t be long, take it from me, someday we’ll all be free
Take it from me, take it from me, take it from me**

I agree. I wouldn’t know about it otherwise because I don’t have twitter… And yes, it’s all vile and disgusting, and I’m also sick of this crap. But this crap is happening, and frankly, people need to know about it. The more he spews his garbage on twitter, the harder it is for people to tune out how bad he is.

I mean, I know I’ve got some relatives who voted for him and are now sick of him. (no, they’re still not close to taking responsibility or blaming the whole party, but it’s a start?) I don’t think they’d be critical of him right now if this behavior weren’t being waved in their faces everywhere. (and they are definitely not on twitter, either.)

besides, I’m still holding out some hope that those witness harassing, obstructing justice tweets will come in useful someday.


My rule is to say it, do you say “an historical” or not. It’s the sound that governs whether you use a or an, not the actual first letter of the word.



Based on his behavior, Trump appears to be uninterested in the responsibilities that come with the office. Did he ever?

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This fool is not even qualified to be sinking turd in a putrid cesspool of sewage.



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I totally agree. It was Nixon’s own words not only on tape recordings but in speeches that brought him down. Also, the comparisons of trumPP to Nixon are plain to see, thin skinned, media hating, non-presidential looks, paranoid, with ass kissing toadies all around him in the WH, none brave enough to say “Don’t go there!”


Does the GOP have enough patriotism and love of country to count to 25? Must this nation die over partisan pride?

Apparently, Mitch says Yes.


It’s a good rule. That’s basically my rule too. My grammar is instinctual. I know what’s right most of the time but I have forgotten why it’s right.



It could also be that POTUS was never the most powerful person on the planet and we fell into the myth surrounding the Presidency. Since coming of age, I cringed every time I heard the phrase, “Leader of the free world.” The only place that phrase appears is in reports by the U. S. press.


Part of a Fourth of July quiz on trumpp from Gail Collins.

Celebrating 100 days in office, Trump looked back philosophically on his White House experience and said …

A. “I thought it would be easier.”
B. “I thought there would be better food.”
C. “I thought I could do it from Mar-a-Lago.”

They could have all come from his small brain, but it’s A.

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Sorry. I couldn’t resist. You set yourself up.


There are some Republicans I know who may not be willing to admit much of anything else, but they will admit that they want him to shut up.


Allow me to disturb your vision of the future with a guide to why the president’s sanity matters. It’s the Google Maps project nuclear blast simulator.

Just to help you along, most of the warheads in the Russian land-based ICBM force are in the 800 kiloton range. Most of those are on MIRV’d missiles. Russia also retains about forty ICBM’s with a single 20 megaton warhead for the special targets. So find every military base in your state and allot it at least one 800 kt warhead. If you live in a state with an ICBM base, drop several.

If you’re in one of the major cities, I’d expect at least two 800 kt warheads. And if you’re lucky enough to live in Washington, New York, Omaha, or near one of the bunkers we’ve built for high government officials in the mountains of Virginia, allot them one of the 20 megaton (that’s 20,000 kilotons).

Oh, and here’s the realtime prevailing wind map so you can use the fallout charting feature.

And here’s a list of U.S. cities by population. Every state capital and every city with a population of over 250k gets an 800kt warhead too. They’ve got 1790 deployed warheads. Plenty left over for China, Europe and our Asian allies.


I’m not so sure. His supporters, the true mango loving, trump can grab my pussy idiots will see this as awesome entertainment. But it’s good to know they are not the majority.