Discussion: Trump Tweets Video Of Himself Attacking Figure With CNN Logo Edited Over Face

On July 4th weekend, the President of the United States posts a video of him mocking and attacking the First Amendment to the Constitution. I hope ALL press and media outlets let that sink in for a bit…


Yes the man appears to be clinically disturbed. I’m sure his advisors and family members know it. However I wonder how many of his advisors such as Bannon goad him to tweet. “Come on Donnie do another one directed at Mika n Joe” “Hey Donnie, remind them of the election again”. “Have at it at CNN”


He does this for the attention. And he’s getting sicker and sicker and sicker. His obsession with attention insures that he does much of his sick thinking in public. This is actually good, as long as the media continue to focus a blinding spotlight on the “real” issues.

We’d be in a lot more trouble if this sicko was doing all his sicko thinking in private behind closed doors. Like the rest of the GOP


Oh yes, I know. And while no fan of hers, I don’t think she will be terrible in the role. Or this way: she will be the least terrible of his picks.

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This is how I feel about it. I know he’s obsessed with the press and that’s all he’s doing - obsessing. I wouldn’t know that if he wasn’t tweeting it. I would be absolutely terrified if he was silent. Holy shit


President Macron will be Donald’s BFF after July 14, where he will get the military parade he was denied at the inauguration

(remember when stuff like that seemed weird ?)

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Excellent term that I will be using from now on.


Every day it’s a new horror show. Enough already. GOP, quit being asswipes and get.rid.of.him.

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Maybe it’s all those scoops of ice cream.

We’re noticing. Unfortunately, we don’t have the power to remove President Craptacular. Otherwise, he’d be gone already.


How Trump’s foreign policy threatens to make America weak again

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Well. Mitch? Paul? The ball, once again, is in your court.


Trump’s tweets are "modern day presidential" in the same sense that date rape is “modern day chivalry”.


As in “Genuinely deranged?” :angry:

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Betcha you can’t beat that!

CNN news crews should get bodyguards.

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“Wait a damned minute! I crawled away from my previous bridge and tunnel Queens persona and became a Left Coast smash. It can be done.”

I love that! :joy_cat:


Trevor Noah did a great piece about this a week or so ago… about how his supporters will cheer anything he says, even if it’s the exact opposite of what they cheered before. (like a solar wall saving Mexico money and having Wall St people run the economy…)


And meanwhile the global financial markets this morning are doing just fine…

The land change here is a global economy. Money and power are no longer nationally based. I’m not talking conspiracy theory wackjob nonsense here. Just the simple fact that technology has changed the landscape of global money and influence, and the power they bequeath, SO rapidly, that no one, not even the billionaires and politicians, really understand where its going and what that means for us NOW.

It just might be that the POTUS is NOT the most powerful person on the planet anymore. Perhaps technology is decentralizing power in a way that will eventually make the office little more than a figurehead. Perhaps political offices in general are in some sort of transitional upheaval that will lead to a new form of democracy our founding fathers never envisioned.

I truely believe that IT is right up there with fire and the wheel. The human race is going through some serious changes. The future is wide open.


and unlike the orange thing I lost my New York honk.


I’m with drtv - that was a great great comment. :slight_smile: