Discussion: Trump Tweets Support For 'Our Wonderful New Healthcare Bill'

“Tap” is something a first grader can spell.

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What about the bill he promised? Hold is feet to the fire!

Does the bill say anything about state lines? Not in any of the coverage I have read.

Who gives a fuck anymore what Trump sweets. It’s just a side show.


Yes…but this bill isn’t a tweet. It WILL consume news cycles that would otherwise be following up on the Russian scandals, even from Maddow.

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It’s probably doomed. It’s a bad bill was conceived to be a bad bill and essentially put Americans back at the mercy of the insurance industry. It revives the conditions that the ACA was made to fix. It’s funny that in order to ax the ACA the GOP’ers made up all kinds of shit to throw at it ( death panels etc ) and then came up with a piece of legislation so bad the truth is all you need to hate it.

There’s a reason this “wonderful healthcare bill” is being promoted. No matter what ACA fixed or did not fix it did shift how American’s conceive healthcare. It’s morphing into a right ( as it always should have been ) and there’s no jingo or Conservative fantasy that’s going to change that. If the GOP could have it 100 % their way they’d repeal ACA and leave us on the street. But that can’t do that now. America doesn’t see the issue like it did just 10 years ago. ACA changed that.

That have to do something. This bullshit won’t fly. They have to provide real healthcare. I’m sure in the end we get ACA lite or an outright copy and paste of ACA with a GOP’er name.

A bit off topic, but is it just me or does Dear Leader look appreciably fatter than he did before he took office? He was fat then, of course, but it looks like his custom made suits and cashmere overcoat need to be let out quite a bit. He can barely button them.

I think little Donny may be stress eating while he watches Faux News and reads Breitbart.

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Oh and yeah…phase 2 & 3 will take care of EVERYTHING might be ‘wrong’ with this bill. BELIEVE ME!


No, I believe the “plan” is they pick up things like that in another go around after 2018, as a “fix” for the catastrophe’s this bill will cause. Additionally, I am not sure that addition is something they can get through the Reconciliation process.

Of course, its pretty doubtful that McConnell has the votes for even passing it through Reconciliation. If they blow the lid off of that approach, look for the state line nonsense to be added for sure. But then they will be looking at a 2+ year process of passing healthcare, and a LOT of republicans are going to get weak knees at that prospect.

“Our wonderful new healthcare bill.” The bill has not even been scored by the CBO. This bill has to have plenty of holes; it’s impossible to design a comprehensive health care bill in short order within the first 45 days of the congress. The Dems should quote all of dRUMPF’s promises he made on the campaign trail pertaining to health care. This bill appears not to meet those promises and will punish a lot of his non college educated White working class voters.

Now if you caught the Valentine’s Day card he probably sent this year to Ivanka (why do you think he’s on his third wife, since favorite girlfriend, oops, daughter is around), you can bet your bottom dollar he knows how to spell tap, like in:

Roses are red,
Democrats are blue,
Sitting here alone at 3 AM,
Wanting to “tap” you.

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What’s more and more amazing to me everyday is that he didn’t burn through his inheritance. His dad must have put a big sum that he couldn’t touch with a halfway decent interest rate that he actually lives off and it’s enough that he can still blow significant amounts on all his failed attempts to build stuff. He’s just such a fucking idiot in so many ways.

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“Here’s your shit sandwich”
“But I didn’t order a shit sandwich - I ordered a pastrami on rye with extra mustard”
“No, I’m pretty sure you ordered a shit sandwich”

Getting rid of state lines. A great idea; should have happened years ago. If we were all one state, there would be no electoral college, and the winner of the popular vote would be president. This is the first time I’ve agreed with the orange charlatan.

He gets up at 3am to tweet, calls down to the kitchen and asks for fried chicken and a hot fudge sundae (don’t forget the cherry) and poof, it appears. Pretty nice, and maybe the only time he’s treated like he expected to be treated as president.

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I’ll give you a 1000 to 1 odds Trump has never read any bill, or any adopted piece of legislation.

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Never read a bill—or paid one.


One has to ask if the plan meets Trump’s own characterization, i.e. more people covered, lower cost, better coverage. If not, Trump exposes himself as “a pathological liar.” Survey says??

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Don’t worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout.

StevenB’s ultimate wet-dream? Just total and complete control without pesky ‘states rights’ garmbage to clutter the total take-over of the US.