Discussion: Trump Tweets Support For 'Our Wonderful New Healthcare Bill'

“Donald Trump is going to learn a lot about this bill today, from watching television.”


He only reads up to nine bullets as reported previously.


No questions!


Are the odds good that this bill passes both houses? I have no sense of it. I figure if they are proposing it with this secrecy and fast-track, they must have votes in hand. Otherwise, why do it?

Here are the same words in a 56 second video:


Ninety-eight percent of pictures of Comrade Chaos shows him displaying his stubby little thumb. Still, every time I see it, I’m surprised anew it isn’t accompanied with a caption that says “Look what I just pulled out of my ass.”


I think Trump should be compelled to always show both thumbs as proof of what you describe really isn’t happening.


Wow, that seems way to optimistic to me. My odds are ∞/1 that he’s read it.

"Don’t worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. "

Good point. Doing business across state lines is why we all enjoy the use of Visa cards that carry a 3% interest rate.


Per usual, the Rs have packaged a bunch of crap to give their friends a huge tax cut as something that just has to be great for everyone, even though they know it’s a lie. In effect, they are going to take not only coverage but healthcare itself away from people who can’t afford it so that their wealthy friends and benefactors don’t have to contribute toward it via taxes or simply paying.

The Ds need to hit this and hit it hard as taking healthcare away from millions of give billions to the wealthy. Let them chew on that for a while.

But the situation is even worse than that!! because they are eliminating the employer AND individual mandate immediately, employers will go back to what they did before ACA. They will drop coverage (except for executives) and pocket the savings. Or they will just make employees pay for the entire cost of coverage through the employer-sponsored plan, which already costs more than most individual plans. Or the benefits will be worse and those people will have LESS choice, or rather just the choice their employer gives them.

All of this is the end result of the Ds not ramming through the Public Option when they had the chance and public support. (BTW – Single-payer was not going to happen and we’re farther from that now than ever before.)

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Moron-in-Chief says what?

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It’s not going to pass either in it’s current state. The Tea Party in the house wants to gut it more and Dems in the Senate will filibuster it.


Bartlett’s one of the few guys I follow on Twitter. He worked in first bush and RR admins. Makes perfect sense no matter he’s not one of us.

@katscherger He does nothing a president would do because he’s away from the office as much as possible.


Guess he’s got nothing better to do.

If you had any doubt that the bill is perfectly awful, here’s your answer.

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I think they know it has little chance of passing and becoming law, but this gives them more time to figure out what they really want to do, and it satisfies their supporters, at least for now. “See, he keeps his promises.”


Trump arrived at this judgment after the entire bill was reduced to one page with three bullet points, an emoji and two lines of Xs and Os above a lipstick kiss from Kellyanne.

Absolutely brilliant to get the pictures via a Freedom of Information request. I hope it pisses him off bigly.


The photos don’t capture the 6.2 billion people that viewed the inauguration online, on television or on their smartphones.

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The reason Maddow is seeing the big picture is that she ignores the tweets. Others should follow suit, if they’re not already doing so.