Discussion: Trump Tweets Support For 'Our Wonderful New Healthcare Bill'

I’ll give 20 to 1 odds the fellow has read not a word of the bill.


I haven’t read it, of course. But they tell me it does all the things I promised. Covers everyone, and for less money. And you get to keep your doctor, plus you get a unicorn who farts candy. Believe me. They’re all saying it, so I know it’s true.


I can’t believe it took me this long, but I finally get it!

How to speak Republicanese…

It’s exactly like how with a fortune cookie, you simply add on “… in bed.”

“Our Wonderful New Healthcare Bill” … if you’re rich.


And our wonderful new walls
And our wonderful new jobs
And our wonderful new White House Tours.

The president hangs around to greet visitors on the WH Tour. This is so unbearable.

On the first day 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was open to the public since Donald Trump took office, the president spent Tuesday morning greeting tourists on White House tours.


Take it Donald.

Here Are The Official Photos Showing Trump’s Inauguration Crowds Were Smaller Than Obama’s

The National Park Service on Monday released dozens of official aerial and ground photographs of President Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony in January as well as images from former president Barack Obama’s inaugurations in 2009 and 2013.

The photographs, released in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by BuzzFeed News and other media, clearly show that the number of people who attended Obama’s inaugurations far outstripped the number of people who attended Trump’s swearing-in.


“It would also allow insurers to charge a 30 percent penalty for those applying for coverage after not being covered for more than 63 days.”

If it takes the insurers 64 days to process your application…***.ka-ching!***


Ah. finally homework’s that’s OK for Donnie to copy as it tosses his most loyal followers under the bus…and he wonders why he’s hated.
Speaking of hated, that pitiful footage of Trump getting cheers and applause from a kiddie tour group moments ago was pure ‘last days of Nixon’…


There is no way he reads ANY bill. He doesnt have the patience or the intellect to comprehend basic english.


I swear to god they are so insulated they don’t even get the concept of being poor.

Hint: it means “no money!” you fucking psychopaths.

There’s no money to pay for insurance premiums or deductibles, while waiting around for a “tax credit” the next fucking year! Just like we can’t ask our parents for a $10 Million loan to start a new business to drive into the ground.


Excellent read in The Independent. Love this paragraph:

“Traditionally, Trump has gone doolallly on Twitter soon after 3am, which hints at him being driven by all four horsemen of the Trumpocalypse: Insomnia, Ignorance, Confusion and Paranoia.”


Drumpy Cat looks unhappy. Shouldn’t he be all smiles? Wonder what’s troubling the poor little fella?


… and any of those EOs he signed.


Most bills aren’t written in basic english. Which makes it even more difficult for someone like Trump, obviously.

What Trump is doing here is running for cover from the Russian scandals. And once either A) a new scandal slips loose or B) the public polling on this goes south (and it will, even among his supporters), he will be calling it a disaster and tweeting mean things about Ryan for even putting it out there.

He doesn’t actually care about the bill or the policy. But he does care about getting the Russian story off the front pages and about his base staying in love with him. Once either of those things change, his love for Ryan and this bill are out the window.


Exactly. He hasn’t read the bill, not only because it’s been under wraps until yesterday like some kind of classified top secret, not only because he’s too lazy, but also because he’s illiterate. I googled up a list of the most common words in English. “Tap” is in the first 3000, “barely” in the top 2000. Those are two words which Donald Trump, college graduate, can not spell correctly.


Trump thinks saying things makes them so. “This does what I said it would because I say so.” Is there any doubt he is an autocrat, at least in his own mind?


They know, their own paymasters demand this pretense…Think Ivanka and her unpaid interns.


Can the Dems have it CBO scored anyway?


Does it do this, you stupid, lying buffoon?

President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid.

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.”
