Discussion: Trump Tweets Conspiracy Theory That Obama In League With ISIL Terrorists

Does your wingnut cousin has red hair too? Just saying, they might be possessed by red hue aliens body snatchers! You have to admit is as good as any other theory we can come up with!

Hadn’t heard that, it’s perfect.


This quotes one of many recent posts by Josh, which has me thinking – doesn’t Trump read TPM? Where are the indignant tweets about failing TPM, which nobody reads?

Each morning I eagerly tune in to see what absurd comment Trump has made while I was away and, even more so, the recent unhinged responses to comments that have clearly gotten under his skin.

I agree with the commentary that Trump must be getting really nervous about one thing by now. What, with months to go there is no way he can avoid a stab at coherent policy discussion by hiding behind bluster alone. And since he can’t talk policy, he must hide behind something. I feel if I go too long without checking the news I will miss the ultimate meltdown or a fantastically contrived excuse for quitting the race.


Trump, a low class putz!!!

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This is veering toward sedition.


Trump doesn’t want people in the Middle East to fight for their own freedom from a dictator?. What kind of Republican is Trump? He’s all over the place.

He’s for and then he’s against everyone and everything. He claims he’s always right. Of course, he can claim that because he changes his mind every day…even within a single rally and sometimes within a single Tweet.

Listening to him doing one of his famous “soliloquies” at a rally is like a poet writing free verse. Only none of his speeches have even one theme much less a purpose…other than getting applause from his adoring reality show fans.

Trump is just a character in a really bizarre Republican play in the Theater of the Absurd. A madman has highjacked the GOP and they don’t even care any longer.


Given Trump’s repugnant, smug responses to recent events, I now believe there is no line he won’t cross to advance his cause. Nothing is off-limits in his quest to prove his omnipotence. I only wonder what could be perceived as “too far.”

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I think the veering stopped once Drumpf careened off the edge of the precipice. All that’s left is the high-velocity impact with the ground.


I like it when he says, “I’m just going to have to do it myself, ladies and gentlemen.” He wants to be a Law unto himself. He really thinks he’s going to take over the military and disband Congress if they don’t do what he wants.

Hail, Fuhrer Trump.

We really have to bury this guy in a landslide along with all the Republicans who let him get this far.


“L’etat, c’est moi” as King Louis once said.


I wonder if there’s a clinical explanation.
They say of autistic people that they cannot ‘put themselves in the shoes of others’, they cannot anticipate reactions of others… as though they lack ‘mirror neurons’ or something. I am not expressing this accurately, I know, but perhaps you get my drift. I wonder if this man has some clinical disability (combined with an ugly personality)

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Can I use “Vichy Republicans” elsewhere? Spot on.

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“Vichy Republicans”

Vichy water = Trump vodka


It’s not my term and even if it were I would let you use it free and full and without let or hindrance. Google it, it’s a Wiki stub and has been used in numerous media outlets. Perfect analogy. Not sure who used it first.


We all know where he would go. It’s such a shame for Trump and the Palin People that they will never get there.

The Resistance is growing. Republicans no longer want to admit they are the conservatives that brought this plague upon the country. I don’t think many of our countrymen will hold their nose and vote for a deranged sociopath, especially when he already looks so much like a loser in November. Even the Palin People don’t like being around other losers.

The sane are no longer going to settle for the incompetence and bigotry that the GOP has been giving them. Trump has exposed the political correctness of its own conservative hyperbole.

In the meantime, what are we going to do with Newt’s suggestion of reopening the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities? I can’t believe conservatives would try to go there when they are already on a decline and citizens are so up in arms about assault weapons and mass murders.

Maybe he thinks it would be a great diversion? But maybe it would make the growing outrage over Republican conservative overreach balloon into the revolution that Bernie said could happen?


From what I’ve read about malignant NPD, criticism to the narcissist’s fragile ego is so threatening that any response is justified, no matter how damaging. IMHO, it’s his NPD that is the clinical explanation.

I admit that my utter loathing of him, especially since his odious response to Orlando, has colored my ability to consider any other condition than NPD.


Trump’s tweeting up a storm, but all he’s producing is caw-caw.

And this is why he is the nominee. He was successful in dragging the first few months’ putative frontrunners into the same cesspool from which he operates. They made it pretty much a contest of who could be the most offensive and unhinged and Trump, of course, won. Had Cruz, Bush and Rubio just ignored him and dealt with the conservative agenda, whatever the hell that is, I think one of them one have beat him or would at least still be in the running.

At this rate, he will alienate all the independent/one issue voters who were initially attracted to him because he isn’t a professional pol. The bad weight of all the offensive and stupid things he can’t help but spout on a daily basis will be more than sufficient, I believe, to give Clinton a double-digit victory.