Discussion: Trump Tweets Conspiracy Theory That Obama In League With ISIL Terrorists

OK, so WaPo get the credentials back or what ??

I am not sure this is the way you do ‘pivot’, Trump


If I were the powers-that-be at WaPo, I’d wear the Drumpf excommunication as a badge of honor. Zombie Breitbart as a source, what a fruitcake.


Ivari Corporation confirmed today that the “process” which resulted in Donald Trumps “hair” is indeed similar to the making of aluminum foil, sharing manufacturing techniques and materials. The company alluded to certain “other” properties of the foil, but was not forthcoming with specifics.


A somewhat edited definition of the Trump “Pivot”: short shaft on the end of which Trump swings back and forth at a regular speed.

Well, I tried.


In other news, Trump tweets that Obama is working with moon men to disrupt earth’s rotation.


Photo Caption: Winning!


Jesus Christ , it’s like my wingnut cousin is the Republican presidential nominee.


If he keeps pivoting (more of a high-velocity pirouette), he’ll do that all by himself. Then blame Obama.


SOME peoPLE ARE Saying THAT HITLAry Buried THE REPort BECAuse HUMA is A CO-COnspiritor. I Would Never SAY that BUT SOme PEOPLE Are.


I am wondering nw how old Bob Dole feels about endorsing Trump. Old Bob said that trump had “toned down” his rhetoric and was actually acting more “Presidential”. Of course that was 2 weeks ago which is a lifetime these days. I am not seeing any toning down Bob. In fact quite the opposite. Now trump is slamming serving troops:

Now trump is spreading as fact conspiracy theories that Obama is in league with ISIS ad is a secret Muslim. In many countries such charges would get you in jail or executed for slandering the Head of State.
But what is trump thinking? We don’t know. He doesn’t know. But, as trump is so fond of saying “maybe there’s something there”. Perhaps trump is talking to al Bagdadhi.


So Breitbart and National Enquirer are okay, but Gawker isn’t? And I direct this question to Trump delegate Peter Thiel.


This from Josh to-day…an excerpt.

["I’m not saying and I don’t think Republicans will deny Trump the nomination in Cleveland. I don’t think that’s possible. They’re stuck with him. But the current situation is too unstable to hold. You can’t have the Speaker of the House endorsing the party’s presidential candidate and also calling him a racist for very long. Something has to give. This is especially true because I see little to suggest the run of punches will end any time soon. Again, Trump U., Curiel, mass casualty high fives, accusing the President of collaborating with terrorists, the hits just keep coming. They keep coming because Trump is Trump. And in front of an audience not focused on provocation, resentment and white backlash it does not always play well.

I don’t know where this goes. But the current set up is too unstable to hold."]

Trump is destroying what’s left of civility in American life and increasing its balkanization. Trump has achieved something I would not have dreamed possible.

He has organized 25% of the population into his own private army. That is bad enough. But for the Independents, the swing people, the people on the sidelines, those against whom Trump demonizes…the man is wreaking havoc among people who have never had to process this kind of thing…and this is early in the Election Cycle.

This is June.

Imagine five more months of this. Real (non-“celebrity”) people will be impacted by this madman. Not everyone is an MSM talking head, for whom this is the same as just another jazz concert by Miles Davis.


This is an extension of the Birther nonsense, but his timing is way off.

Most Americans approve of this President and it’s starting to dawn on them (I think) that they’re going to miss him. His humanity, dignity, and thoughtfulness. This just isn’t going to fly for Trump.

If Trump was trying to throw the election, he couldn’t be doing a better job


So you’re saying Trump could be calling for armed insurrection if he falls too far behind close to election day?

Yeah, I could actually see that.

“We must take this country back! And if that means by brute force, if that means blood in the streets, well, that’s what it means!” - possible future Trump quote.

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Wow. When Donald Trump finds himself in a deep hole, he not only keeps digging, he uses a fucking backhoe to do it!


I wouldn’t do that…

depending on who you use as the messenger, that person might get offended and sue you for invasion of privacy, revenge porn and most importantly ‘emotional distress’.

Thiel would naturally bless that lawsuit, because after all its what best for business.

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Some people are saying that GoET is Trump’s #1!!!one!!!uno1!! campaign adviser, and this explains his signal success. I’m not saying that, but some people are…


A lot of Trump’s supporters will not survive the next four months, If he continues to yank their chains like this. They will burn out and end up curled up in a corner, quietly weeping, if they are lucky.

He is burning an awful lot of ammunition now, when will he be down to “Obama is a space-monster, who keeps Elvis hostage in the White House Cellar” stuff ?


Speaking in the 3rd person is a fairly universal sign of NPD. (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).

Like you need to be told…