Discussion: Trump Tries To Lure Jewish Voters: Dems Would 'Leave Israel Out There'

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79% of Jewish-Americans voted for Democratic candidates in 2018.

71% of Jewish-Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

But sure, 4 token “defectors” shows a JEXIT or whatever. Be more desperate https://t.co/Q9FURKeCwH

— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) April 6, 2019


I’m about to cross off two things from my bucket list, but Trump also said this today.

It doesn’t excuse what happened in the past, but it’s obvious that the modern day party hates dealing in good faith.


Introducing ever more desperation in Central America and in the Occupied Territories can only serve to improve the situation on our southern border and in Israel.


So how good are these Republican Jews with Trump putting kids in cages, and disappearing some of the children into the US? What are their thoughts in denying access to the US for asylum seekers?


How dumb does he think people are? Yeah we’re not that stupid. His people are the ones carrying the tiki torches, you know those good people on both sides.


Trump doesn’t support the Jewish people -if he did, he wouldn’t be an anti-Semite. No, what he supports is the version of Israel favored by American Evangelicals. And there’s a world of difference between the two.


One of the things I’ve learned over the years can be summed up as this: Your skinfolk aint always your kinfolk.

In other words, some people really only care and look out for themselves. And believe me; you can find the ones that “got theirs, fuck you” in pretty much every race that has been oppressed: Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, and Jewish people.Some just love to be different and enjoy the attention of being a novelty. The Republicans find them, and push them right out front so they can disguise and minimize their racism.

I’m happy to see our Jewish brothers and sisters not fall for the Republican Party’s bullshit (I remember Christians HATED Jews) but I fear in time with history slowly being whitewashed the way Republicans are trying to do that they will be sucked in to the bullshit.


Jews needs to ask just how many Republican Jews are there in the whole Congress, both the House and the Senate. That Number is 2. Out of 28 Jews in the 116th Congress there are 28 jews, which means 26 are Democrats.


Sheldon Adelson benefited around $600 million from the Trump tax law. He is a man who runs the only non union hotel in Las Vegas yet praises Israeli unions. He wanted to toss 32 million Americans off of health insurance and gut protection from pre-existing conditions for 100 million yet is a big fan of the Israeli health care system which is a hybrid of public and private and insures everyone. Oh and they have a generous family allowance. Yes he likes Socialism, just not here and only for himself. Questioning his love of our nation and and its people should not be out of the realm.


As the right-wing Israelis bask in the glow of the fire of the American fundamentalists, it’s fortunate for them that they don’t realize that the evangelical enthusiasm for Israel is based on a belief that the Jews will “confess” to having killed God, and will be converted to Christianity.


Looking at the picture of the president fake-swinging a golf club reminds me of the occasions my mother admonished me to tuck my shirt in. But WTF, she never had to tell me to tuck my neck in !

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“We got you something that you wanted,” Trump said of the embassy move

So Dem Jewish voters got that for free. Why would they pay for something that is already done?

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I, for one, would be more than happy to leave Israel “out there.” It is the very definition of a rogue state. In fact, it looks a lot like us (the US).


Actually, they didn’t get “that” for free–moving the embassy to Jerusalem is something most Jewish Democratic voters (including this one) almost certainly opposed.


Trump just trotted out the dual loyalty canard before this audience when he said that Bibi was their prime minister. So when they accuse others of this historically ugly trope they’re ok when Trump does it?


I second that emotion, through clenched teeth.

H/T to the great Smokey Robinson and Al Cleveland

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If you believe Trump you need to see a therapist.


Helping to make things even worse - Netanyahu just announced that he supports the permanent annexation of all settlements in the West Bank.


If Trump wants to run for prime minister of Israel I’d support him in a Queens minute.